Once the command is done, IDEA project files will be created in the same folder.
From Explorer/Finder open the file mifosng-provider.ipr
Note: Ensure your project's JVM SDK is 1.7. Note: To enable incremental compile like in Eclipse (File -> Settings -> Compiler(on the left pane) -> Select the "Make Project Automatically option")
Go to File -> Settings -> Eclipse Code Formatter -> Select the "Use Eclipse Code Formatter" option and import the "Eclipse Java Formatter Config File" from MifosX Eclipse Preferences (Use ctrl + alt + l to format your code)
Run/Debug Mifos X
Run/Debug as Java application ServerWithMariaDB4jApplication to launch Mifos X with an embedded database (Separate installation of MySQL is not required) OR if you have installed MySQL in the previous step, run/debug ServerApplication as a Java application.