
This is an abbreviated guide for Ubuntu-based developers who want to build Mifos from source. See Ubuntu WAR Install if you wish to install Mifos using a pre-built war file instead.

This guide:

Fixed-width text below is assumed to be entered (or viewed) in a terminal like gnome-terminal or xterm.

Please give feedback on any discrepancies or needed additions or corrections to the developer mailing list.

Step 1) Install Ubuntu

Download and install.

Step 2) Install any missing prerequisites

Java-6 JDK

The default JDK on Ubuntu is OpenJDK 6, which Mifos should support (at least one developer is successfully using soylatte, the OpenJDK 6 port to Mac OS X).

Oracle/Sun Java-6 is what we recommend for production, so it's the best bet for development, too. Execute the following:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk git-core mysql-server


Jetty 7



Step 3) Set up the database

OPTIONAL: create a file named mifos.cnf in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ and put in it:

# optional, but saves disk space

Restart the database for the new settings to take effect with:

sudo service mysql restart

Then create mifos and mifostest databases with:

Step 4) Get the source

The Mifos Version Control Guide shows you how.

Based on its contents, ensure that you have:


Step 5) Create production tables

See "Initializing the Mifos Database" in $HOME/mifostrunk/INSTALL, with one exception: the SQL files in your working copy are in /db/src/main/resources/sql/, not /db/sql/.

The INSTALL file is really for war-only installs (not developers building from source).

Step 6) Set up the build

Create a Local Properties File.

Database connections

Database connections can be configured by customizing the following settings in your Local Properties File.


Step 7) Build Mifos and run integration, unit and acceptance tests

Execute the following:

cd $HOME/mifostrunk
mvn clean install

To skip the tests, execute the following instead of the second line above (much quicker to get building quickly):

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Step 8) Deploy

Execute the following:

cd $HOME/mifostrunk/war
cp target/mifos_webapp.war $HOME/jetty7/webapps/mifos.war

Step 9) Start Mifos

Set up environment variables for Jetty:

cat >> ~/.bashrc
export JETTY_HOME=$HOME/jetty7
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Hit CTRL-D to stop writing to .bashrc, then logout/login or source your ~/.bashrc file as follows:

source ~/.bashrc

If this is a production system, be sure to thoroughly read Configuring Mifos. Some configuration must be performed before starting your Mifos instance for the first time.

Now we're ready to start Jetty. Execute the following:

cd /tmp
$HOME/jetty7/bin/ start

Visit http://localhost:8080/mifos/ in a browser to use Mifos (username: "mifos", password: "testmifos").

Step 10) Done!

Enjoy your Mifos install.

Additional Details

What next?

Install some Development Tools and start fixing some bugs!

Timezone Fix

If you're seeing time-related failures in the unit tests, you may need to alter your timezone. See this post for details.


If your machine has a firewall, you need to at least unblock the ports necessary to connect to your Web server. For Jetty, the default port for serving HTTP traffic is 8080.

Debian Package

There is a shell script to help Ubuntu users install Mifos. See application/release/ in the head repository. There's also a script to build a debian package that works fairly well, it's called resources/linux/ If you are interested in helping us further improve our debian package, please see the volunteer project page.

Security and Encryption

Mifos v1.1 provides no encryption and little security. Current discussion appears to recommend securing HTTP traffic over SSL, and possibly also using a VPN.

Still can't connect to MySQL?

Ensure that a TCP listening socket is active; ensure "skip-networking", if extant, is commented out of the config file.

Running 64-bit Ubuntu?

Use 32-bit Java. While Using a 64-bit Java VM appears to increase Mifos memory requirements. On Ubuntu, a 32-bit Sun JRE is pre-built (the ia32-sun-java6-bin package), and a JDK can be built if needed.

Memory errors?

If you've correctly set your environment variables for Maven (MAVEN_OPTS) and Java (JAVA_OPTIONS), as above, but you're still seeing memory issues when using Mifos, you may need to increase the size of your swap file / partition.