The Projects space is where we track and share with the community any ongoing work that is taking place on the product.  This space is built to allow:

We have designed this space in a similar fashion to OpenMRS who has enjoyed good success with their project-based approach.

Available Projects

Have a feature that you need built, want to integrate Mifos with another system, have an idea for a Mifos plug-in? Create a new available project so others can start to help you out.  You can follow this Sample Project Template to help you get started. Read more below on how to submit a new project. 

Want to get involved with Mifos? Start out by working on an available project. If you see a project you're interested, email the mifos-developer's mailing list and request that it be assigned to you. 

Active Projects

Projects or features that have been assigned to a developer and are actively being worked on are located here. Each week we will send out an email update summarizing recent activity on these projects. We also recommend "watching" the project to receive more frequent updates on the project. 

Completed Projects

Projects that have been finished up or no longer needed will go here.  

Submit a New Project

Want to submit a new project to get a feature built? Each new project starts out as an available project. Create a new one by adding a page underneath the Available Projects page. Each project should contain the following: project overview - including a brief overview and more detailed description of the business need/goals for the feature/project, project supporters - who requested the project, and additional information and background.  Once assigned, the project will list out the assigned resources, details of how it will be implemented, as well as status and timeline.

To simplify the process, you can actually just copy the Sample Project Template we've created.  Open Sample Project Template and from the Tools menu, click Copy. Save the page with the name of your project and add the label "available" to the page before saving.