Available Projects

Available Projects

Project Overview


  • Example - This feature will allow MFIs to charge overdue loans only after the loan has matured based on the current outstanding balance.

Background and Business Need

  • Provide as much background and need for it in business
  • for example - Mifos currently only supports overdue installment charges. Overdue penalties are currently chargeable on every overdue installment BUT it should also support penalties charged only on OVERDUE LOANS (i.e loans that have past maturity), separately without penalising every overdue installment.

Try also to provide the business processes or products and services the new feature would support as well as step-by-step instructions for how it would be used.  You can write out a few different user scenarios about how this feature will be used.  

Fill out as much detail as possible but more can be added later when the functional specification is written. To learn more about how to write out detailed user scenarios, refer to our page on how to write a functional specification.

Also see our feature request process for more on providing a good description of the feature you need built. 

Project Supporters(s)

Try also to provide the business processes or products and services the new feature would support as well as step-by-step instructions for how it would be used.  You can write out a few different user scenarios about how this feature will be used.  

Fill out as much detail as possible but more can be added later when the functional specification is written. To learn more about how to write out detailed user scenarios, refer to our page on how to write a functional specification.

Also see our feature request process for more on providing a good description of the feature you need built. 

Project Supporters(s)

List the names of the organizations along with staff person that have requested the project.  If your organization also needs this project, please list yourself here. 

It's very important for our developers and community to understand who has a need and will benefit from the work being done. 

Project Details

Assigned contributor for the project will include details of how they plan to implement the feature.  Feel free to supplement as needed with additional child pages of detail. 

Project Status

Include an initial timeline and estimate of the work needed to complete the feature. As work continues on the project, you can provide a weekly update on status and major milestones. This will be used to deliver weekly updates on active projects. 

Additional Information

Please link to any wiki pages, issues, mailing list discussions, similar projects, or external websites, articles that provide more background on the project or implementation of this feature. 

So if you want to be part of this project please reply and write the below in your email.

"ASSIGN ME: <insert project name>"