12.14.2011 Developer Meeting

On the Call

  • Ed
  • Binny
  • Krishnan
  • Kakha

Action Items:

  • Need to monitor progress in JIRA - Thousands Separator, Data Migration tool** Use mailing list for discussion - JIRA for updating on progress and assigning. 
    • Get documentation on what current QA process is - Lukasz/Jakub
  • QA on User-based locale - Jakub/Udai
  • JIRA  - update and change permissions so users can edit titles, link issues, etc. (Ed/Lukasz)
  • Get documentation on JIRA workflow (Ed)
  • Test import of Lao .po files into TWN (Kakha to send to Ed)
  • Document additional accounting feature requests
  • Get status updates on fixes that Keith made for FINA and Binny. 


From: http://sync.in/QRuIoehrTx
Accounting (Binny and Krishnan discussion)

  • Simplify mechanism of specifying expenses and incomes outside of portfolio within mifos ui
    • Already have definition of lookup options in admin screen.
    • Specify set of payments and incomes 
    • What are incomes
      • Low likelihood - subletting of a branch building - small income from there. 
    • Since doing expenses - very small change to do incomes.
    • Should be via XML files - chart of accounts and financial actions - not hardcoded. 
    • Don't want in financial actions mapping because this is something they frequently change.
      • Binny would use income head and expenses head
      • When defining transactions, specify if payment or expense
        • Get drop down of chart of account codes under expenses or incomes
        • THis is that for UI
      • But not sure how on back-end it should be done if it's financial mapping.
  •  Product Screen
    • Setting account code - would be better to be account code - name (pain to look up the actual account codes)
    • Names and Account Codes are in separate tables but just a matter of joining it - really helpful though.
  • Kakha: Ability to add suggestion box - when typing 50 (give list of recommended, auto-complete options)
    • Would be nice to have for clients, etc, suggestion boxes - need some ajax-advanced tools.
  • Transfer discussion and progress to JIRA - can't control progress
    • even for accounting - 

JIRA Permissions

  • Kakha wants to track and assign stuff in JIRA.
  • Can't edit names.
  • Can't link issues.

Lao Translation

  • Translation in .po files is complete - need help getting it into TWN and transforming it into proper unicode font.

Thousands Separator

  • Need a clear update on how much progress has been made and what's left. 
  • Need to move technical progress tracking into JIRA and not on mailing list.