Versions Compared


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WIP: Items below to be updated to match the table listing above

DIM Tables

FACT Tables

HIST Tables

The following 'hist' tables hold daily balances for 'active' accounts and are derived from other data warehouse tables.  These tables do increase the size of the data warehouse database substantially but offer improved performance and simpler querying.



Contains daily balances for 'active' loan accounts (good and bad standing status's).  Doesn't included reversed transactions as they affect the 'as of' situation.  
For example, a loan might be active on Jan 1 (so should appear on a report run for Jan 1).  On Jan 2, the loan may be reversed which creates backdated transactions to contra all repayment and disbursal transactions created.
Example of listing all loans as of 1st Aug 2010:

Code Block
SELECT cust.display_name, l.loan_account_id, l.loan_amount, l.loan_status, l.disbursement_date,
       ifnull(lb.principal_outstanding, 0.000) balance
FROM dim_loan l
LEFT JOIN dim_customer cust ON cust.customer_key = l.customer_key
LEFT JOIN hist_loan_balances lb ON lb.loan_account_id = l.loan_account_id and lb.as_of_date = '2010-08-01'
WHERE  (l.valid_from <= '2010-08-01' and l.valid_to > '2010-08-01')
ORDER BY cust.display_name, l.loan_account_id


Contains daily balances for over due loans (hist_loans_overdue is a more correct table name).

Overdue: loan is not fully up to date with repayment schedule
In Arrears: loan is overdue by more than 'lateness' days (where lateness is defined within mifos Admin functionality and copied to DW table dw_mfi_configuration).  


Contains daily balances for 'active' savings accounts (active and inactive status's).

DW Tables

PPI Tables

STG Tables

DW Picture

Overview - Dimension tables surrounding fact tables

A representation (slightly out of date) of how DW 1.0 solves the gnarly aspect of reporting on transaction totals and arrears aging information at MFI/Branch/Loan Officer/Center levels on current and historical date ranges is ...

Star Schema Involving fact_loan_repayments

A representation of how reporting on loan repayments at MFI/Branch/Loan Officer/Center levels on current and historical date ranges is generally is solved by DW 1.0 is ...

Metrics Reporting

A representation of how DW 1.0 solves reporting on 'metrics' at MFI/Branch/Loan Officer/Center levels on current and historical date ranges is ...

(put dim hierarchy piccy here)

High level DW table Info

These tables are currently deployed and being road tested during report development on the development reporting sandbox.  Access to this box is restricted but for those with access... the database is called mifos_secdep_dwh and early (poorly presented by me) reports are running from under the solutions directory JPWWIP/DW standard reports.
