BI (Reporting) Documentation -Mifos 2.x Archive

What is Business Intelligence (BI)

Pentaho BI and Mifos

We are moving toward Pentaho BI integration in Mifos

Pentaho Reporting Transition Questions

How do I install Mifos BI with Pentaho reports?

See Installing Mifos BI 1.1 for installation instructions for Linux. 

Data Warehousing and Mifos

Data Warehouse Database Design

Develop Data Warehouse Strategy

OLTP and OLAP reports

Report Name




Daily Transaction Report


View daily transactions made (or a range of date)

Can it be removed by improving view transaction UI in Mifos









Metadata for OLTP reports

OLTP reports should use abstraction layer, ORM or Metadata to be safe from underlying databases changes. 

Abstraction should be also for OLAP DW as there also going to be changes?

Database upgrades for OLAP DW

 Open Question

Pentaho CDF usage


Common Templates for Report


Mifos Admin Document Support


BIRT usage in Mifos

The support for BIRT reports has been there in Mifos for a long time. We are going to remove the use of BIRT reports in coming release.

BIRT reports are mostly going to be converted to Pentaho Reports.

BIRT is embedded in Mifos. In the source tree, look in application/reporting. In the Mifos Web UI, click on "Reports". "Administrative documents" also use BIRT.