05.17. 2012 Developer Meeting

On the Call

  • Ed
  • Venkat
  • Gela
  • Keith W
  • Jakub


From: http://sync.in/m0siyN14of


  • Vinolia I Development Progress and Code Freeze
  • Random Hacks of Kindness participation
  • Developer Documentation Sprint
  • Mifos X Roadmap

Vinolia I (Update from Jakub)

  • Code freeze at end of May
  • Release at beginning of June
  • 14 tickets open, 6 simple bugs to fix, 4 of them are new features.
    • 1 task around PPI question groups

Venkat and Mifos ACC

  • From transaction point of view - seven areas to develop in order to complete accounting from transx point of view - post 
  • View accounting transactions - just to view what was posted at each of the transactional levels. 
  • Set financial year - do this throgh back-end but should have a simple screen later on
  • CoA Opening Balance
    • Have a plan B - using back-end script
    • KW: Reasonably considerable - too much effort. Was hoping that flexibility would be in simple accounting package and integration with MIS should be about taking out the transaction data
      • Shouldn't rely on MIS to provide CoA.
  • Batch processing - simliar functionality that was gien in view accounting tranx export - every day at end of day does consolidation at branch level - use simple screen to give last process date, and process till date which is less than current system date. Will be consolidate and grouped by branch office and posted as entry to core accounting tables.
  • Reporting for transactional could be individual or consolidated reports
  • GL transactions - all cash receipts and payments. 
  • Also should allow to set opening balances. 
  • Definining any new chart of account - havent' taken that up yet - so deep into the core and also because it's a run-time configuration
  • If do financial accounts at other levels - should need to define multiple chart of accounts and shouldn't only be a one-time instance - happens later - should be given from Mifos core
  • COA Opening Balance at any level to any CoA - can be create at beginning of financial year

Database Design

(see Google Doc)

Developed as a patch so no dependency on having to run it in Mifos

- Can run it with or w/o Mifos-ACC module.

Developer Documentation Sprint

  • Scheduling for a weekend over next 1 to 2 weeks

Random Hacks of Kindness

  • Global Event taking place on june 1 - seeing if we can target a problem/solution with Mifos android client. 

Mifos X Update from Keith

API for MIfos X is being made more consistent. Refactoring that - clean and consisten API - can call beyond just XML. 

Within a week - email will go out with demo video on the API and proper documentation soon.