Action | State |
Create client | Pending for approval |
Activate | Active |
Close | Closed |
Reject | Rejected |
Withdrawn by client | Withdrawn |
Delete | Deleted |
Reactivate | Active |
On create creating a new client, it moves into the "Pending " for approval" state. From the approval state, it can beundergo the following transitions:>>
- On clicking on "Activate", the client gets "Active".
Or >> - On clicking on "Close", the client gets "Closed".
Or>> - On clicking on "Reject", the client gets "Rejected".
Or>> - On clicking on "Withdrawn by client", the client gets "Withdrawn".
Or>> - On clicking on "Delete" the client gets "Deleted". Once a client gets deleted, it won't show up anywhere in
- If the client is in the "Closed" state, it can be "Reactivated" to make it "Active".
And state- following states: Rejected/Withdrawn/Deleted, it cannot be Activated again.
NoteNOTE:- For For the actions mentioned below, we need to update reasons as mentioned below in the Code values (Admin>>System>>CodeValues (for more information, navigate to Admin >> System >> Code) :-
Action | Reason |
Close | Client closure reason |
Withdraw | Client withdraw withdrawal reason |
Reject | Client Reject Rejection reason |
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labels | Client life cycle statuses |