Manage Clients

Manage Clients

Maintaining Client's Database for all the clients of a financial institution is one of the important aspects of any financial institution. This client's database includes:

  1. Client's Personal Information (Name, Date of Birth, Client Activation Date. etc)
  2. Client's Loan Portfolio (All the loans that a particular client has, including the statuses of those loans, Repayment schedules, transactions, etc)
  3. Client's Savings Portfolio
  4. Client's additional details
  5. The documents submitted by the client.
  6. Assigned Staff.

On this page:

 Beginning at the main screen, select Clients click on Clients from the drop-down menu. This will launch the Clients page.


Create Client   

  1. Click on "Clients" tab on top left, next to Mifos icon on the  home page. It opens a new page containing a list of all the clients. 
  2. Click on  tab on top the right corner, the page shown below opens. 
    NOTE: While filing the form, note that fields with an asterisk(*) are Mandatory.