Personnel Policy

Personnel Policy

No organization's policy manual is complete without addressing the employees.  Use the following as a base to create your own manual.




This section outlines policies, responsibilities and procedures established for employees of the organization.


Fair and equitable salaries and benefits are essential to compensate employees to promote a sense of security and personal well being and to recognize their performance and contribution to the successful achievement of the organization's objectives. 


Pay structures will provide compensation opportunities related to employee contributions to the accomplishment of defined results, assigned duties and skills used in carrying out their duties. 


Employment At Will

  • Employment is a consensual relationship and therefore it may be terminated at any time by either the employee or employer for any or no reason, with or without notice.  No agreement to the contrary shall be effective unless it is reduced to writing and signed by the President of the Board of Directors and the CEO.  Severance Pay/Entitlement is discussed later in these policies. 
  • The policies published herein are not a contract and are published for guidance purposes only.  These policies may be withdrawn, amended, limited or expanded at any time at the discretion of the organization.

Position and Salary Administration

  Salary Review - Employees are eligible for an annual salary review.  Salary adjustments will be based on promotion or performance and will be awarded within established salary ranges and budgetary limits established annually by the Board of Directors. 

 Job Titles, Grade & Salary Range - A job title, grade and salary range shall be established for each position commensurate with the appropriate job description.  They shall be specified in the Job Classification/Salary Range list.  The classifications and salary ranges for new positions will be established and monitored by the CEO, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, within the approved wage and salary administration program and budgetary limits.

 Salary Ranges - Salary ranges shall be established for all positions.  Each range provides a minimum and maximum salary.  Salary ranges shall be reviewed annually by the CEO and when appropriate, a recommendation will be made to the Board of Directors for approval to revise the salary ranges. 

 Salary Adjustments - Annual adjustments for all employees may be reviewed and approved by the CEO in accordance with the budget allowance approved by the Board of Directors.  All annual salary adjustments will be made on January 1st of that calendar year.

  Performance Appraisals - Each employee's performance will be appraised annually by his or her immediate supervisor.  An employee performance evaluation sheet, prepared by the supervisor, will be forwarded to the CEO for review and approval.  The annual performance appraisal will be used in conjunction with annual salary review and adjustment.

 Promotions - Promotions will be approved by the CEO.  A salary increase shall be granted concurrent with the effective date of the promotion.  Every effort will be made to increase the salary to the minimum of the range. 

  Overtime - All overtime must be authorized by the CEO.  Overtime will be paid to all employees except exempt (management) employees.  Overtime will be paid to the nearest 1/4 hour at a rate of 1-1/2 times the regular hourly rate.  Employees shall work overtime as directed by management, but volunteers may be requested before overtime is required.

 Termination/Severance Pay - Severance pay may be paid as determined by the CEO.  Notification of severance will be provided to the Board of Directors upon issuance of severance pay.  Under no circumstances will severance pay be provided to an employee who resigns, retires or is discharged for cause.

 Employment of Relatives

Sound fiscal management dictates this policy.

Officials - To guard against the use of their organization position for personal or financial advantage and to avoid conflicts of interest with its policies and operations, the organization will not employ relatives, by blood or marriage, of elected or appointed Officials, unless the Official resigns his/her position.

The term “official” is defined as any member of the Board of Directors or Supervisory Committee.

Relatives of Employees:

Employment of relatives, by blood or marriage, or individuals who co-habit, will require prior approval by the CEO.  No employee shall directly supervise a relative.

  Part-Time Employees 

This section of the Personnel Policy establishes administration and hourly rate guidelines for part-time (PT) employees.  Part-time employees are personnel hired by the organization to supplement the full-time staff and scheduled for work on a reduced work week to meet the daily operational needs of the business.

Management is encouraged to look at the possibilities of hiring PT employees to fill general clerical and teller positions until a cost study justifies a full-time staff position.  Management should also consider the use of a temporary help agency if the need for help is in general clerical needs and only for a short duration.

Work Hours:  PT employee work hours will be scheduled to meet the needs of the business and they should be so advised at the time of the initial interview.  The PT employee's work hours may vary from week to week but management should attempt to stay within the range of the employee's regularly scheduled hours.

Rate Review:  Compensation reviews for PT employees will be at the discretion of management, but not less than six (6) months from the date of hire.  Compensation reviews will be based on progression, development and overall job performance within the assigned department.  Rate reviews will be limited to one per year and funds must be available within approved budget limits.

Employee Benefits: 

Holidays (Paid):  PT employees who have completed three (3) months employment and are regularly scheduled to work a minimum of twenty five (25) hours per week will receive holiday pay equal to the number of hours scheduled to work on the day in which a  holiday falls. 

All part time employees are eligible for pro-rata sick time and vacation time in accordance with average hours worked per week.  Part time employees hired to work at least 25 hours per week will be eligible for health insurance benefits.  Part time employees must work at least 1000 hours in a calendar year for participation in the Organziation's  profit sharing program. 























Asst. GM-Director of Operations






Director of Lending






Senior MSR/LR













1.              Health Insurance Program - [ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] may provide health insurance for full-time employees and part time employees hired to work at least 25 hours per week.  The organization will pay that part of the cost of this plan as is determined by the Board of Directors on an annual basis.  The employees will pay that portion of the plan not paid by the organization. 

Health insurance is provided as per the summary plan description on file.


 Full-time employees earn vacation leave in accordance with their length of service.  Part-time employees also earn vacation in accordance with their length of service on a pro-rata basis depending upon the average number of hours worked per week. The actual vacation days requested by an employee and granted by management will be at the convenience of the organization.

Vacation leave for part time and full time employees will be earned and accrued immediately upon hire in accordance with the table below:

Years of Service

Vacation Allowance

1 to 10 years

2 weeks

10+ years

3 weeks

The maximum vacation leave, which may be accrued and carried over into the next year will be five (5) days.  Accrued but unused vacation leave in excess of the maximum will be forfeited on the last day of the calendar year.  Exceptions to this rule may be made at the discretion of the CEO.

For audit purposes, employees are required to take at least one vacation leave of five (5) consecutive work days during each calendar year following the year in which they were initially employed.

Vacation leave will not be earned while an employee is on disability leave or in a leave without pay status.  Leave credited will be reduced by one day for each 30-days in such status.  On an employee termination, vacation leave earned will be pro-rated from January 1 of that year throughout the termination month.  The amount of leave credited will be reduced to that actually earned during the calendar year.  Pay for vacation time used over and above that earned by the employee will be subject to recovery by the organization.



Immediately upon hire, regular full-time employees shall earn five (5) days of sick leave per annum.  Part time employees shall earn pro-rata sick leave in accordance with the average number of hours worked per week.  Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) workdays.  Sick leave shall be paid at the employee's regular straight-time hourly rate not to exceed eight (8) hours of pay for one (1) sick day.  Sick leave in excess of one hundred eighty (180) days shall be forfeited and the employee shall not be entitled to pay for the lost sick days.

Use of paid sick leave may be for the following: 

  • Injury or illness of employee
  • Medical or dental care for the employee
  • Illness or injury of an immediate family member
  • Maternity leave

An employee claiming sick leave for themselves or immediate family members may be required to justify the request by presenting medical documentation to the organization's designated representative.  The organization reserves the right to have an employee examined by a physician appointed by the credit union in order to justify sick pay.

Management will discuss attendance records with any staff member when the number of absences, sick and personal days are considered excessive.

Upon termination, full-time employees who have completed one (1) full year of employment, but less than five (5) years of employment, will receive in payment 25% of unused sick leave.  

Full time employees having five (5) years of employment but less than ten (10) years of employment will receive in payment 40% of unused sick leave.

Full time employees having completed ten (10) or more years of service will, upon termination or retirement of employment, receive in payment 75% of unused sick leave, not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days.

An employee not otherwise eligible in accordance with the policy stated above and who separates from HRTFCU service shall forfeit accrued unused sick leave and no payment shall be made to the employee.


A maximum of three (3) days per year may be applied for personal reasons, i.e., driver's license renewal, personal business, etc.  Personal days not used will be forfeited at the end of the year.



The following holidays will be observed by the organization on an annual basis:



Since the date of the actual holiday may fluctuate on an annual basis, the CEO will furnish each employee with a schedule each December, for the upcoming year.

In order to be paid for a scheduled holiday, the employee must be in a "paid" status by the organization the day prior to and the day following a holiday.  Full-time employees will receive eight (8) hours of regular pay for a holiday.  Part-time employees will receive pay in accordance with the number of hours regularly scheduled to work if the holiday falls on a normally scheduled work day.


Employees will dress in a manner that will project a neat, professional and pleasant image to the public.  “Business Casual” attire is only permitted on Fridays, unless otherwise approved by the CEO.  The CEO shall make all final determinations as to what is appropriate attire. 

  • Employees are responsible for maintaining a neat and orderly appearance within their respective work areas and within the organization office as a whole.
  • Management is responsible for monitoring the daily appearance of employees and their work areas, and shall reserve the right to discipline and/or send an employee home if they are not dressed appropriately for the workplace.


The organization employees called to serve on jury duty must immediately give a copy of the Summons for Jury Duty to their immediate supervisor.  The immediate supervisor shall have a right to request that the employee be excused or that jury service be deferred.  If an employee is required to serve in response to the summons, the employee shall be paid the difference between jury pay earned and the employee's regular pay for a period not to exceed twenty (20) work days in a calendar year.


1.    Introduction

Each individual has the right to work in an environment conducive to equal opportunity and free from discriminatory practices.  As a result, sexual harassment is not tolerated [ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE].  The purpose of this sexual harassment policy is to communicate our goal of maintaining a working environment free from all forms of sexual harassment of any employee or applicant for employment. 

2.      Policy Guidelines 

A)      Prohibition of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.  All employees are responsible for ensuring that the workplace is free from all forms of sexual harassment.  Law also prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace.

 B)      Definition of Sexual Harassment:

 For the purposes of this policy, the term "sexual harassment" refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

1)              submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; or

2)              submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or

3)              such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; or

4)              such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Examples of sexual harassment in violation of this policy include, but are not limited to, threatening adverse employment actions if sexual favors are not granted; unwanted and unnecessary physical contact; promising preferential treatment in return for sexual favors; excessively offensive remarks, including unwelcome comments about appearance, obscene jokes or other inappropriate use of sexually explicit or offensive language; the display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures which create an intimidating or hostile work environment; and unwelcome sexual advances by clients or others when such advances are condoned, either explicitly or implicitly by management. 

C)      Enforcement of the Policy

Complaint Procedure

 Any employee or applicant who feels that he or she has been a victim of sexual harassment is encouraged to report this perceived violation of policy immediately to the CEO or the Assistant General Manager or the Supervisory Committee if either the CEO or the Assistant General Manager is a party to the allegations.

The CEO or Assistant General Manager shall conduct an investigation of all allegations in as prompt and confidential a manner as possible and will take appropriate corrective action when warranted.  All investigations will be undertaken with due regard to the privacy of all parties involved.

Disciplinary Procedures

a)     In the event an investigation does not substantiate the allegation, the CEO or Assistant General Manager shall promptly inform both the employee and the complaining party that a thorough investigation has been conducted and that there exists no grounds or basis to substantiate the report or suspicion of sexual harassment.

b)  In the event an investigation of a reported or suspected occurrence of sexual harassment reveals that an employee has engaged in sexual harassment in violation of this policy, the employee will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

c)   After the completion of an investigation, the complaining party will be advised of any disciplinary action resulting from allegations of violations of this policy.  Management will act to ensure that the disciplinary action taken with respect to each violation of this policy is commensurate with its judgment as to the seriousness of the particular offense.  Accordingly, investigations will be thorough and appropriate disciplinary action will be applied in a timely, consistent and uniform manner.

Retaliation in any form against a complainant who exercises his or her right to make a complaint under this policy is strictly prohibited, and will itself give reason for appropriate disciplinary action.


It is the intent [ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] to provide all employees with an environment free of all hazards.  The policy [ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] is to provide a totally smoke-free environment.

1.     Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the organization.

2.     All employees will be responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

3.     All prospective employees will be informed of these guidelines and of [ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] commitment to a smoke-free work environment.


[ENTER ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] will not tolerate alcohol abuse or the use of other intoxicants and mind-altering substances, including illegal drugs.  Our employees may be required to submit to drug screens, blood alcohol tests, breathanalyzer tests and/or medical examinations upon reasonable suspicion of an employee's drug or alcohol use.  The presence of alcohol in excess of the legal limits or the presence or any other intoxicants or mind-altering substances in the body is a violation of this policy.  Refusal of an employee to undergo or cooperate fully with any of these tests is also a violation of our policy, and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Our employees are also prohibited from possessing, using, selling or purchasing any alcoholic beverages or other mind-altering substances on organization property or in organization vehicles.  Off-premises possession, use, sale or purchase of mind-altering substances and off-premises alcohol abuse may reflect unfavorably on the organization's reputation and is also prohibited.

Violation of any aspect of the Organization's Drug and Alcohol Policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. 


An excused absence is an administratively authorized absence with pay.  Some situations which may give rise to excused absence are closings because of extreme weather conditions, power failures, donating blood and attending meetings for the organization.  Specific excused absence on an individual or group basis will be as authorized by the CEO.

Employees will be granted paid bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member, which includes spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, step parents, grandchildren, and step children.  Employees will be granted three (3) business days for funerals.






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