GSOC 2014 - Mobile Field Office Planner


Current Release0.1.0-alpha
Epic MIFOSX-1083 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document StatusCOMPLETED
Project StatusCOMPLETED
Document OwnerIshan Khanna
MentorVishwas Babu A J
Student InternIshan Khanna
Source Code
DocumentationMifos Android Client User Guide

Project Summary

To allow field-based staff to manage their daily schedules and to ensure that their supervisors are able to review these tasks and to plan field operations and bring in more efficiency and transparency for field operations. To meet the requirement, Android based app need to be developed to cover these uses cases. And this app will be an extension to MIfos X mobile client.


  • To enable field officers to interact with Client Data from a Handheld Device(Mobile/Tablet) running Android OS.
  • To enable field officers to interact with Collection Sheets using the app.
  • To enable field officers to work with the app without network connectivity.
  • To enable field officers to plan their activities using the Planner Module.

Background, Impact, and User Need

Currently the field officer uses Printed Collection sheets and takes them along to the Meeting. While in the meeting checks are made in the collection sheet and once the meeting is over the field officer hands over the sheet to a data entry officer who then enters the data into the Web App. This involves use of a lot of paper, human labour, effort and time. This also makes the data vulnerable to errors as it is being handled by Humans. 

This project will help eradicate use of paper printed collection sheets. There will be no Data Entry Officer required to Sync the data into the MifosX platform after the meeting. Minimise the errors caused during the collection/transaction process.


  • Replicate Community App UI for Clients
  • Handling Data in Offline Mode 
  • Collection Sheet API Implementation
  • Planner for Field Officer
  • Documentation on How to Use the App
  • Unit Tests

Project Implementation Plan

DONE : Api Implemented requires review

FINISHED : Implementation passed review


  1. Module A (Community App UI Implementation)
    1. Login to a Mifos Instance .......................................  FINISHED
    2. View list of clients .................................................... FINISHED
    3. Search for clients .................................................... FINISHED
    4. View Client Details
      1. View Loan Accounts .....................................  FINISHED
      2. View Loan Account Summary ........................ FINISHED 
        1. Approve Loan  ..................................... FINISHED
        2. Disburse Loan  ..................................... FINISHED
        3. Make a Repayment .............................. FINISHED
        4. View Repayment Schedule ................... FINISHED
        5. View Loan Transactions ........................ FINISHED
          1. Transaction Details ..................... FINISHED
      3. View Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
        1. View Savings Account Summary ........... FINISHED
          1. View Transactions ....................... FINISHED
          2. Make a deposit ............................ FINISHED
          3. Make a withdrawal ....................... FINISHED
    5. Documents
      1. View / Download
        1. Clients .................................................... FINISHED
        2. Loan Accounts ....................................... FINISHED
        3. Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
      2. Create/Upload
        1. Clients .................................................... FINISHED
        2. Loan Accounts ....................................... FINISHED
        3. Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
    6. Client Identifiers 
      1. View / Download ............................................... FINISHED
      2. Remove / Delete ............................................... FINISHED
      3. Create / Upload
    7. Data Tables
      1. View
        1. Client ...................................................... FINISHED
        2. Loans ..................................................... FINISHED
        3. Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
      2. Insert Row(s) into Data Tables
        1. Client ...................................................... FINISHED
        2. Loans ..................................................... FINISHED
        3. Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
      3. Delete Row(s) from Data Tables
        1. Client ...................................................... FINISHED
        2. Loans ..................................................... FINISHED
        3. Savings Accounts ................................... FINISHED
    8. Documentation 
  2. Module C (Collection Sheet UI)
    1. Fetch Collection Sheet for a Center .......................... FINISHED
    2. Update and Save Collection Sheet for a Center ........ FINISHED
    3. Offline Collection Sheet Fetch - Update - Sync ......... DONE (coded by Satya Narayan (Unlicensed))
    4. Documentation 


key summary type created priority status



  • User has a device running Android 2.3+ (GingerBread+) preferably a tablet or a mobile.
  • User is a Staff