Import loan account data using XLS template

Import loan account data using XLS template

Import loan account data


Release J

Current Owners:


Status (Draft, In Review, Stable / Approved):

In Review



This feature allows to create new loan accounts through importing .xls fle.


Basic goals:

  • Allow to import loan accounts data in .xls file based on provided template.
  • Allow bulk creation of new account with imported .xls file.


  • Bulk edit of existing loan accounts

Definitions and Terminology




User of Mifos system with appropriate rights


A group or client, recipent of loan account.

XLS Template

A spreadsheet template use for importing accounts.

Loan account

A account of type loan, opened for client or group. Account is instance of Loan product.

Loan product

A basic definition of available loan.

XLS document

An instance of XLS template.

User Stories


User Stories

Section in FR


As an User, I want to be able to import XLS document with loan accounts, so that accounts
from document with be created in Mifos.


Use Cases

User import loan accounts data


  • User - a Mifos system user


  • User is logged.
  • User has permissions to import new loans data. 
  • User has permissions to create new loan accounts.
  • User created XLS document using provided XLS template.

Basic Flow

  1. User go to Administration page ("Admin").
  2. User clicks on link "Import Loans"
  3. System open new page "Import Loans".
  4. User selects document with loans data (XLS Document) and uploads it to Mifos server.
  5. System parse uploaded document and shows to user how many rows were parsed successfully and which rows were not. Each row with errors has explanation.
  6. User clicks "Save" button to save imported rows if any of them were parsed successfully.
    1. No rows were parsed successfully: see alternative flow: "No rows parsed successfully".
  7. System saves data and present a simple summary to user.


  • System displays page with short summary.
  • All imported and parsed successfully rows are persisted in database.

Alternative Flows

No rows parsed successfully

  1. System displays 0 successfully parsed rows.
  2. "Save" button is inactive.
  3. User corrects his XLS Document and clicks on button "Edit".
  4. System open page "Import Loans"
  5. User redoes import procedure from step 3 from basic flow.


Functional Requirements





Loans import data is an Excel (97) file.



Excel file is checked against set of basic rules:

  • empty file
  • empty column
  • data in column cannot be read and parsed



Excel file is checked against Mifos' restrictions



For account without number a one should be generated by system.



Each row error message should contain row and cell number and error explanation.


XLS Template Descritpion

First row of template contains name/description of a file. Second row contains column headers. Both rows are ignored by parser.

Actual data begins in the third row. Each row contains information for one loan account. Order of columns is important and cannot be changed.

Column name

Column description

Is Mandatory


Account Number

Contains a text representation of loan account global identification number.


For empty column parser with create new account and generate number. If column is not empty parser will check for duplicates and create account with provided number.

Customer Global ID

Contains a text representation of global identification for customer for which we create new account. Customer must exist in the system.


Customer must be in state "Active".

Product Name

Contains a name of loan product which will be used as a base for new loan account. Product must exist in the system.


This is a full name of a product. Parser won't accept short name or product number.

Status Name

Contains a text representation of account status.


Allowed values are:

  • Cancelled
  • Active in good standing
  • Active in bad standing
  • Approved
  • Closed Obligation Met
  • Closed Rescheduled
  • Closed Written OFF
  • Partial Application
  • Pending Approval
    Values are not case-sensitive.

Cancel Flag Reason

Contains a text representation of reason for cancelling account.

Only if Status Name is set to "Cancelled"

Allowed values are:

  • Withdraw
  • Other
  • Rejected
  • Reversal 
    Values are not case-sensitive. 

Loan Amount

Contains a decimal representation of a loan amount.


Loan amount must conform to loan product requirements and Mifos restrictions on decimal values.

Interest Rate

Contains a decimal representation of interest rate.


Interest rate must conform to loan product requirements and Mifos restrictions on decimal values.

No. Of Installments

Contains a integer representation of number of installments.


Number of installments must conform to loan product definition.

Disbursal Date

Contains a date representation of disbursal date for account.


Default date format is: D.MM.YYYY where D is day, MM is month (always two digits) and YYYY is year (always four digits).
Date must conform to loan product requirements, customer requirements and Mifos restrictions.

Grace Period

Contains an integer representation of grace period.

Depends on loan product.

This column is mandatory if loan products allows for grace period. Otherwise this column is ignored.

Source Of Fund

Contains a text representation of source of found for loan account.


Must conform to values defined in Mifos.


Contains a text representation of loan account purpose.


Must conform to values defined in Mifos.

Collateral Type

Contains a text representation of collateral type.


Must conform to values defined in Mifos.

Collateral Notes

Contains a text representation of collateral notes.


Must conform to values defined in Mifos.

External ID

Contains a text representation of external id.


Must conform to values defined in Mifos.

Error messages

Here is a list of errors messages. Each message that applies to either specific column or row is preceded by row number and column number.


Applies to


Missing account number

Column: Account Number

Account number was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Customer with global id # not found

Column: Customer Global ID

Provided customer global ID was not found in Mifos database. '#' is replaced with provided customer global ID.

Missing product name

Column: Product Name

Product name was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Active and applicable product with name # not found

Column: Product Name

System didn't find loan product definition with provided name that is active and applicable to provided customer.

Cannot add new loan to inactive customer

Column: Customer Global ID

Provided customer is inactive, so no new loans can be added.

Missing account status name

Column: Status Name

Account status name was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Loan status is incorrect;

Column: Status Name

Provided status name is not applicable to loan account.

Missing reason for cancellation

Column: Cancel Flag Reason

Account status required status explanation flag, application didn't found any in data file.

Wrong reason for cancelled account

Column: Cancel Flag Reason

Provided cancellation status is not applicable to this account.

Product's frequency of installments is different than customer's meeting schedule.

Column: Product Name

Provided product's frequency of installments is different than provided customer's meeting schedule so account cannot be created.

Missing loan amount

Column: Loan Amount

Loan amount was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Loan amount is out of allowed range

Column: Loan Amount

Loan amount is out of range specified by loan product.

The amount is invalid because the number of digits before the decimal separator exceeds the allowed number of #.

Column: Loan Amount

Loan amount violates number of digits before decimal separator in defined in system configuration. '#' is replaced by allowed number of digits.

The amount is invalid because the number of digits after the decimal separator exceeds the allowed number of #.

Column: Loan Amount

Loan amount violates number of digits after decimal separator in defined in system configuration. '#' is replaced by allowed number of digits.

Missing interest rate

Column: Interest Rate

Interest rate was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Interest rate is out of allowed range

Column: Interest Rate

Interest rate is out of range specified by loan product.

The interest rate is invalid as the number of digits after the decimal separator exceeds the allowed number of #.

Column: Interest Rate

Interest rate violates number of digits after decimal separator in defined in system configuration. '#' is replaced by allowed number of digits.

The interest rate is invalid as the number of digits before the decimal separator exceeds the allowed number of #.

Column: Interest Rate

Interest rate violates number of digits before decimal separator in defined in system configuration. '#' is replaced by allowed number of digits.

Missing number of installments

Column: No. Of Installments

Number of installments was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Number of installments is out of allowed range

Column: No. Of Installments

Number of installments is out of range specified by loan product.

Missing disbursal date

Column: Disbursal Date

Disbursal date was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Invalid date: #

Column: Disbursal Date

Provided date cannot be parsed by application or was invalid by Mifos restriction. In latter case error details are shown.

The disbursement date is invalid. Disbursement date must be on or after todays date.

Column: Disbursal Date

One of error details for Disbursal Date error.

The disbursement date is invalid. It cannot be before the customers activation date #

Column: Disbursal Date

One of error details for Disbursal Date error. '#' is replaced by customer activation date.

The disbursement date is invalid. It cannot be before the product start date #.

Column: Disbursal Date

One of error details for Disbursal Date error. '#' is replaced by product start date.

The disbursement date is invalid. It must fall on a valid customer meeting schedule.

Column: Disbursal Date

One of error details for Disbursal Date error. 

Missing grace period

Column: Grace Period

Grace period was expected, but application didn't found any in data file.

Grace period for repayments must be less than number of loan installments

Column: Grace Period

Provided grace period value is greater then provided number of loan installments.

The Grace period cannot be greater than in loan product definition

Column: Grace Period

Provided grace period value is greater then value defined in loan product definition.

Unknown source of fund: #

Column: Source Of Fund

Provided source of fund wasn't found in Mifos database. '# ' is replaced with provided source of fund.

Not enough input rows


Provided file doesn't have expected minimal number of rows

Unknown loan purpose: #

Column: Purpose

Provided loan purpose wasn't found in Mifos database. '# ' is replaced with provided loan purpose.

Unknown collateral type: #

Column: Collateral Type

Provided collateral type wasn't found in Mifos database.
'# ' is replaced with provided collateral type.

Standard Considerations


Security (Permissions, Roles, and Data Scope)



Does the user need to be in a particular user hierarchy to use this feature?



Does the office hierarchy affect use of this feature?



Are you using any existing permissions to control this feature?


Permission to add new loan accounts

Are you adding any new permissions or changing existing permission to control this feature?


Permission to import new loan accounts

Are you using any existing activities to control this feature?



Are you adding any new activities or changing existing activities to control this feature?



Are there any special considerations for upgrade scenarios? What will be the default value for new permissions?


Default values will be set to true.

What will be the default values for default roles in a new installation?


Default is true for admin role.

Impacts to System

Impacts to System



Does this feature affect Bulk Loan Creation? How?



Does this feature affect Collection Sheet Entry? How?



Does this feature affect Redo Loans?



Does this feature affect Reverse Loans?



Is this feature affected by Holidays?







Will this feature support users localizing data that they enter?



Does this feature involve any date/time related data, and if so how should conversions be handled?



Is there currency or other numeric data ? If so does it require any special handling or validation?  Is there a need for mult-currency?  (Loan Accounts)


All numeric data should be validated against Mifos' restrictions.


Change Log

Change Log



Do changes to the data that is collected or stored by the new feature have to be fully logged by the system?



Does the administrator configuring the system need the ability to turn on or off logging for this feature?



Is the feature currently logged but the structure of the logged records changing?




Provide any relevant information about reporting requirements for the new features and answer the questions below, providing detail to explain any particular area when necessary.




Does the feature affect any existing reports?



Does the feature require adding any new reports?







Will the feature be a high use-case scenario?



Will the feature have potential for high concurrency?



Does the feature include complex UI or data gathering logic that will be used by a significant portion of the user base?



Does the feature contain risks of database connection timeout?



Will the feature contain any bulk insert/update/delete transactions?



Will the feature contain any caching mechanisms or cache refreshing mechanisms?



Could the feature result in a large amount of data being sent to the client or between the database and web server?



Would users on a low bandwidth connection likely face issues with a part of this feature?

Depends on number of rows in file.


Does the feature affect existing batch jobs or require adding any new batch jobs?



Setup and Installation

New Installations

New Installations



Does this feature require both Mifos Business Intelligence Suite and Mifos Product?



Does this feature require special work for hosting?  (sys admin)



Backward Compatibility and Upgrades

Backward Compatibility and Upgrades



Is there any data conversion that needs to be done as part of an upgrade?



Will customers lose data or will the way existing data is stored change significantly?



Will another feature, workflow or portion of the data model be deprecated as a result of this new feature?



Will existing role permissions be changed or impacted by this feature? If so provide details in the security section.



Will existing customers need to learn a new UI process or change the way they use the system as a result of this new feature?



Hosting Support

Hosting Support



If different user groups are using the same database, are there concerns over the sharing of data related to the feature?



Are there expected to be performance related issues with having many customers sharing the same hardware in support of this feature?


Depends on file size.





Does this feature require changes to configuration files?



If so, is this feature enabled or disabled by default?



Are existing configuration properties used to control this feature?  If yes, which ones?



Are new configuration properties added for this feature?



Open Issues

Reviews and Approvals

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