What is Smoke Testing?
"Smoke testing" is the process of running automated user-interface-based tests.
How does one perform Smoke Tests?
Currently, Selenium is being explored as one means of running smoke tests against Mifos.
- bug 1572 repro. Set baseURL to
. - bug 1635 repro. Set baseURL to
. - SeedData (
in source control). Use a local Mifos instance. Adds all seed data necessary to create a loan, then creates and activates the loan. Database can be completely empty, but this is not required. Features tested:- logout
- login
- create loan product
- create branch office
- create loan officer
- create center
- create group
- approve group
- create client
- approve client
- create loan account
- excellent IDE (actually just a Firefox plugin)
- great documentation
- many different ways to locate form fields, links, etc.
- many bits of the rendered UI are easily accessible
- Selenium API is consistent between IDE and exported Java code
- exports to JUnit 3 style tests
- exported JUnit 3 tests are easily converted to JUnit 4
- repros with known test data on a particular server are easy to record
- convenient complement to unit tests (not a replacement)
Interesting points
- easy to see that Mifos has lots of invalid html
- we should consider consistent use of "id" attributes
- Selenium IDE isn't perfect; hand-editing is often required
- XPath confusion example
- Selenium IDE might record the following "clickAndWait" command target when clicking on a link: "//acontains(text(),'Add-n Group')". This is an XPath expression.
- easier might be to just change the target to "link=Add Group"
- even better would be to refer to the id attribute of the link, if present
- however, it doesn't take long to get used to Selenium API
- XPath confusion example
- some Firefox plugins may conflict with Selenium IDE
- "It's All Text!" renames "id" attribute and confuses Selenium IDE
- SeedData needs slight modification to run on test server
- "center" is called "kendra", for instance
- how do you check HTTP status codes?
- may not be necessary, actually
- tests can be fragile if not designed well
- doesn't address data aging
- loan disbursals/payoffs
- batch job runs
- known sets of test data are needed for this
- Waitr tests already exist for Mifos
, multiple selections available,