PPI 2010 Update Process
PPI 2010 Update Process
This page documents what changes need to be made to PPI files in Mifos BI when changes are made to source PPI data.
The PPI_BASE directory is currently bi/ppiparser
Mifos PPI file generation configuration/meta-data
The "nicknames.csv" file ($PPI_BASE/data/nicknames.csv) contains meta-data about how to generate the PPI files for mifos. This file contains one row of data for each country with a PPI supported by Mifos. The data in each line is as follows:
country, year, povertyLinesVersion, pointsVersion, questionsVersion, nicknames (next 10 or 11 entries)
When changes are made to PPI point values for a country.
- get the updated Word document for the country from the SPM team
- from OpenOffice Writer open the document and then "saveAs" choosing "Text Encoded" and then "Western Europe (ASCII/US)" and save the file into $PPI_BASE/data/<CountryName>.txt which should replace the existing file
- update the line for this country in nicknames.csv, increasing the pointsVersion by 1
- run $PPI_BASE/parseall.sh to regenerate the Mifos PPI files
- include the updated $PPI_BASE/generated/scoringEtl/<country><year>PPIScore.sql in load_dw_ppi_survey.sql (which loads all scoring sql)
cat generated/scoringEtl/*PPIScore.sql > ../ETL/MifosDataWarehouseETL/load_dw_ppi_survey.sql
When changes are made to PPI category likelihood (poverty line) values.
- Get the updated "Lookup Tables v15.xls" document
- Open "Lookup Tables v15.xls" in OpenOffice Calc and navigage to the "<country_name> Mifos" tab for the country who's data has changed.
- Do a "Save As..." in CSV format to the $PPI_BASE/data/percents/<CountryName>.csv file
- run $PPI_BASE/parseall_percents.sh to regenerate the poverty line files (generated/povertylines/*PovertyLines.sql
- put all the poverty line sql into a single file that is loaded by the data warehouse
mv ../ETL/MifosDataWarehouseETL/load_ppi_poverty_lines.sql /tmp
cat generated/povertyLines/*.sql > ../ETL/MifosDataWarehouseETL/load_ppi_poverty_lines.sql
When changes are made to PPI survey question/answer text.
- get the updated Word document for the country from the SPM team
- from OpenOffice Writer open the document and then "saveAs" choosing "Text Encoded" and then "Western Europe (ASCII/US)" and save the file into $PPI_BASE/data/<CountryName>.txt which should replace the existing file
- update the line for this country in nicknames.csv, increasing the questionsVersion by 1
- run $PPI_BASE/parseall.sh to regenerate the Mifos PPI files
- include the updated $PPI_BASE/generated/scoringEtl/<country><year>PPIScore.sql in load_dw_ppi_survey.sql (which loads all scoring sql)
cat generated/scoringEtl/*PPIScore.sql > ../ETL/MifosDataWarehouseETL/load_dw_ppi_survey.sql
When a new major version of PPI is released.
- update the line for this country in nicknames.csv, moving the year field to its new value, reset povertyLinesVersion, pointsVersion, and questionsVersion to 0, update any column nicknames that have changed.
Procedure for updating and running PPI tests
- if any ppi data has changed, then in bi/ppiparser run parseall.sh (this will regenerate generated/testData/*.properties files
- initialize a clean Mifos database with base etl test data
echo "drop database mifos_ppi_test" | mysql -u root
echo "create database mifos_ppi_test" | mysql -u root
mysql -u root mifos_ppi_test <
- copy all question group XML files to MIFOS_CONF/uploads/questionGroups
cp $PPI_BASE/ppiparser/generated/questionGroups/* ~/.mifos/uploads/questionGroups
- run PPITestDataGenerator from inside Eclipse with an arg pointing to the test data dir (e.g. -a /home/van/reportingWorkspace/bi/ppiparser/generated/testData) and an arg for the client to use (e.g. -i 0003-000000006)
- save the resulting Mifos database (with completed ppi surveys) NOTE: different output sql file than above
mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8 -u root mifos_ppi_test > bi/
- run the etl (bi/ppi_build.sh) to populate with DW with PPI survey scores NOTE: jndi file for pentaho data integration must be configured with same OLTP and DW databases, and must support UTF-8
ppi_build.sh mifos_ppi_test mifos_ppi_test_dw ~/pentaho/data-integration/ '-u root'
- now PPITest.groovy can be run
- under Eclipse run configurations, add a new JUnit test
- in the "VM arguments", define variables for biTestDbUrl and other system properties used by PPITest.groovy, for example:
(note that biTestDbUrl points to a test data warehouse schema)
-DbiTestDbUrl=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mifos_ppi_test_dw -DbiTestDbUser=root -DbiTestDbPassword= -DbiTestDbDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver