Mobile Money Tool

Mobile Money Tool

This document gives a brief overview of the mobile money tool.

Code Repository: https://github.com/DanCarl857/MobileMoneyTool.git

Project Abstract

This project involves building a standalone application for the Mifos platform. This application will enable and allow mobile money transactions such as withdrawing money, saving money to be carried out with the Mifos (fineract) platform. The Mifos X APIs will be leveraged to accomplish this project.

Along the way, sending money to anyone with a mobile money account, loan disbursals, loan repayments were added to the project.

This tool allows for mobile money platforms to be used with the Mifos platform. This tool is a standalone tool and so has to be setup up separately from the core and the community app.



  • NodeJS
  • Bower
  • Grunt JS
  • Java version 1.8 and above
  • MySQL 5.6 and above
  • Gradle 2.x but not 3 (3 has known bugs and misbehaves when downloading dependencies)

Front end application

  • Clone the code: `git clone https://github.com/DanCarl857/MobileMoneyTool.git`
  • cd into the MobileMoneyTool directory: `cd MobileMoneyTool`
  • cd into the frontend-app directory: `cd frontend-app`
  • Run `npm install`
  • Run `npm install -g bower`
  • Run `npm install g grunt grunt-cli`
  • Run `bower install`
  • Run `grunt serve` to preview the application. This opens up the application on your default browser.

To use this application, the engine has to be running and the database has to be setup.

Setting up the database:

  • cd into the MobileMoneyTool directory: `cd MobileMoneyTool`
  • cd into the mobile-money-engine directory: `cd mobile-money-directory`
  • cd into the database directory: `cd database`
  • import the .sql file into your database: $ mysql -uroot -p < mobile_money_application.sql 
  • Enter your password.

Setting up the engine:

  • cd into the mobile-money-engine directory: `cd mobile-money-directory`
  • cd into MM-engine: `cd MM-engine`
  • Run $ gradle bootRun
  • The above command downloads all the dependencies needed for the project and starts the engine.
  • You can now login to the front end app on the browser using your credentials for the Mifos platform. 
  • Default credentials: Username: mifos Password: password

Configuring the Tool for your specific running platform:

Configuring the Tool for your Mobile Money API: (currently being worked on)

  • Click on the configurations tab on the navigation bar. You should now see this:
  • Select the format of your API: REST or SOAP. You should now see this:
  • You should now see the API currently being used. To add your API, click on the `+ ADD API` button. That now brings you to this page:
  • After filling in the required information, click on the `submit` button and that's it. You should now see the API added to the list of available APIs with it being active.