How to Use This Manual

How to Use This Manual

About the Manual

This manual provides instructions and information on Mifos X Platform.  You can skip to any topic using the sidebar navigation panels, related articles at the end of the page, or hypertext links within the current topic.

The Mifos X Platform User Manual comprises three user guides:

  1. For All Users
    Information about logging in and out, navigating, and generating reports in Mifos X.
  2. For Administrators (Mifos X Platform)
    Information for Mifos X administrators about setting up and configuring Mifos X for the specific needs of your organization.    
  3. For Operational Users (Mifos X Community App)
    Information for day-to-day use for creating and managing account entries, transactions, and account products in Mifos X

Structure of the Manual

The structure of the Mifos X user guides is as follows: