Technical Description of Address API

Technical Description of Address API


This technical solution document is prepared based on the user requirement documentation at Address

Schema diagram:



The address functionality is configurable, you can specify if you want the address turned on/off for your organization by specifying a non zero value for parameter(in c_configuration table) Number_of_address_required_for_a_client. If you want this API to be disabled you can specify zero (0) as value for this parameter. 
Further the address structure is also configurable. The fields present in the address table can be enabled/disabled based on the institutions requirement. This can be done via m_field configuration table.  You can mark the required fields of address table as enabled from this table.
As a part of address module, there would be a set of new APIs and also need to modify set of client related APIs to accommodate address details.

New APIs

Modify client related APIs

  1. POST: clients/ Proposed modifications: takes additional address data
  2. GET : clients/<id> Proposed modifications: Along with client data, fetches client's addresses
  3. PUT : clients/<client id> Proposed modifications: takes additional address data



if address is enabled in the global configuration, the Client API would then enforce the address to be mentioned right at the onset of creation of client. In case, the address field is not enabled this enforcement would not come into action.

New REST API for adding address of existing clients:

Please note that I have added an additional field 'is_active' to support address change of same type of address( and also to keep track of past address for audit purpose).

However this would add more complexity to the design, so in initial phase we would be accommodating it, only if time permits.


1)   Create new address for client:

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client id>/address/

Sample Request:
POST /clients/<client id>/address

Content-Type: application/json 
Request Body:
	"address_type": 1,
	"street": "507 west street",
	"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
	"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",

 2)  Retrieve all addresses of all types for particular client:

GET  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client id>/address/

Sample Response: 

GET  /clients/<client id>/address

Content-Type: application/json 
Response Body:
		"address_type": 1,
		"street": "507 west street",
		"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",

		"address_type": 1,
		"street": "100 west street",
		"address_line_1": "apt no 7",
		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",


3).   Retreive all addresses of particular type for specified client

GET  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client id>/address/<add typ Id>

 Sample Response:

GET  /clients/<client id>/address/<address typ id>

Content-Type: application/json 
Response Body:
		"address_type": 1,
		"street": "507 west street",
		"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",

		"address_type": 1,
		"street": "100 west street",
		"address_line_1": "apt no 7",
		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",


 4)  Retrieve active address of particular type for specified clientid

GET  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client id>/address/<add typ Id>?command=active

  Sample Response:

GET clients/<client id>/address/<add typ id>?command=active

Content-Type: application/json
Response Body:
		"address_type": 1,
		"street": "507 west street",
		"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",


5) Update Address


update particular "active" address of client

PUT  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client id>/address/<add typ Id>

Sample Request:

PUT clients/<client id>/address/<add typ Id>

Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:

supported fields for update request:

address line fields, addresstypeid and is_active


Modify current client APIs for adding address when creating/updating clients:

When address is enabled in global configuration, creating clients would also require address attribute to be added


1) Create Client:

POST  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients

Sample Request:

POST  clients

Content-Type: application/json 
Request Body:
	"officeId": 1,
	"firstname": "Petra",
	"lastname": "Yton",
	"externalId": "786YYH7",
	"dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
	"locale": "en",
	"active": true,
	"activationDate": "04 March 2009",
    "submittedOnDate":"04 March 2009",
    "savingsProductId" : 4
							"address_type": 1,
							"street": "507 west street",
							"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
							"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",

		                    "address_type": 1,
		                    "street": "100 west street",
		                    "address_line_1": "apt no 7",
		                    "address_line_2": "opposite to college park",

2) Retrieve client

GET  https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<client Id>

Sample Request:


GET clients/<client id>

Content-Type: application/json
Response Body:
  "id": 27,
  "accountNo": "000000027",
  "status": {
              "id": 300,
              "code": "clientStatusType.active",
              "value": "Active"
  "active": true,
  "activationDate": [
  "firstname": "savings",
  "lastname": "test",
  "displayName": "savings test",
  "officeId": 1,
  "officeName": "Head Office",
  "timeline": {
    			"submittedOnDate": [
                "submittedByUsername": "mifos",
                "submittedByFirstname": "App",
                "submittedByLastname": "Administrator",
                 "activatedOnDate": [
               "activatedByUsername": "mifos",
               "activatedByFirstname": "App",
               "activatedByLastname": "Administrator"
  "savingsProductId": 4,
  "savingsProductName": "account overdraft",
  "groups": [],
						"address_type": 1,
						"street": "507 west street",
						"address_line_1": "apt no 5",
						"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",
		         		"address_type": 1,
		         		"street": "100 west street",
		         		"address_line_1": "apt no 7",
		         		"address_line_2": "opposite to college park",




3) Update a client

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/<clientId>

Sample Request

PUT clients/<clientid>


Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
    "externalId": "786444UUUYYH7",
	"Address line 1":"Apt 5"




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