Teller Cash Management

Teller Cash Management

Target releaseTBD
Epic MIFOSX-1165 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner 
DevelopersMarkus Geiss (Deactivated)


This feature will allow better cash management by enabling the Teller Cash Management module at branches. Tellers are typically desks/enclosures at which cash transactions are done with the customers of the bank or financial institution. One branch could one or more tellers. Employees (Cashiers) could be allocated to a Teller for each day or part of the day. For example, John may manage cash at Teller 1 for the morning session, while Mary may manage the cash at Teller 1 for the afternoon session.

On different days, different cashiers may be assigned to the Teller.

  • During initial setup Tellers are created at branches or head-office
  • Whenever required administrative users can create extra tellers using whatever naming convention the organisation requires
  • Teller Cash account is linked to a specific General Ledger account to keep it separate from other cash
  • Branch managers assigns the tellers to a staff or cashier (can be done daily or for a certain period of time)
  • Supervisors or Accountants assigns cash to Tellers, essentially this means a provision of a certain amount to that teller (i.e.Credit Cash, Debit the GL Account linked to Teller).
  • Tellers/Cashiers do their work, this means they should be selecting the teller (or cash) as payment type when making the repayments, disbursements, deposits, withdrawals etc.
  • At certain point they hand back the teller, at this point the accountant finalises this teller (and essentially frees it up again to hand out). At this point the balance of the GL Account Linked to this teller gets credited and debited back to Cash.
  • Any differences should be raised and resolved by a correction booking manually
  • This teller is now 'free' again and can be handed out again.

Background and strategic fit

Most financial institutions have the need to manage the cash at Branch, especially if disbursements, collections, deposits and withdrawals are done at the branch.

Requirements/User Stories

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Create TellerAs a Branch Manager, I want to create one or more tellers for my branchMust HaveThis can be done at head office too
2Assign Cashier to TellerAs a Branch Manager, I want to map a branch employee as cashier for a TellerMust Have

User may specify start/end date and start/end times for this assignment

3Allocate Cash to TellerAs a Branch Accountant, I want to allocate cash to a TellerMust Have 
4Do Cash Transactions at TellerAs a Cashier, I want to do financial transactions from a tellerMust Have 
5View Current Cash Position at TellerAs a Cashier, I want to know my current cash positionMust Have

Current Cash Position = Opening Balance (allocated by Branch Accountant)

+ (add) Cash Receipts at Teller

- (less) Cash Payments at Teller

Allow drill down to see summary as well as transaction details.

6Settle Teller CashAs a Branch Accountant, I want to receive cash from a teller and mark the teller as “settled” for the date.Must Have 
7View Current Cash Position at BranchAs an Accountant (Branch or Head Office), I wish to know the cash position at each teller/cashier in a branchMust HaveAllow drill down to see summary as well as transaction details.
8View Consolidated Cash Position

As a Head Office Accountant, I wish to know the total cash position at all tellers/cashiers across branches

Must HaveAllow drill down to see summary as well as transaction details.
9Maintain Assignment of Cashier to Teller

As a Branch Manager, I want to un-assign (delete) a branch employee as cashier for a Teller or update details of this assignment

Must Havespecify end date and end time for an existing mapping
10Maintain TellerAs a Branch Manager, I want to update or deactivate (or delete) a teller for my branchMust HaveTeller can be deleted if there are no transactions against it.
11Assign GL Account for Teller CashAs a Head Office Accountant, I want to enable accounting for cash management and specify one of the asset accounts as the “Teller Cash” accountMust Have 
12Configure Accounting for TellerAs a Operations Manager, I want to enable Teller Cash and assign which GL accounts are to be used as Teller Cash accounts and the default Payment Type to be used for Teller transactionsMust Have 
13Add a Cashier flag for staffAs a Operations Manager or Branch Manager, I want designate some of my employees as "Cashiers"Must Have 

Business Rules

  • Accounting has to be enabled and configured if Teller Cash accounting is to be used


Attributes for Tellers:

IDUnique System ID for this teller 
NameLogical Name or Code to refer to a specific Teller 
DescriptionDescription for the Teller 
Start DateDate from which this Teller exists 
End DateDate till which this Teller can be used 
StatusActive or Inactive 

Attributes for Cashier to Teller mapping

IDUnique System ID for this cashier-to-teller mapping 
CashierThe staff-ID or reference for the CashierDisplay will be a dropdown (one of the existing Staff who are Cashiers)
TellerThe ID or reference for the TellerDisplay will be a dropdown (one of the existing Tellers)
DescriptionDescription for this mapping 
Start DateDate from which this Teller exists

No over-lapping allocation for the same time/date

  • Same teller cannot be mapped to 2 cashiers for same date/time
  • Same staff cannot be mapped to 2 tellers for same date/time
End DateDate till which this Teller can be used 
Whole-Day-Or-Part-DayA flag to specify if the allocation is a whole day allocation or only for part of the day 
From TimeIf only for part of the day, then Start Time for this allocation 
To TimeIf only for part of the day, then End Time for this allocation 

Security and Permissions

New permissions needed for the following:

  • Teller Management – Create / Update / View / Delete / View Assignment
  • Teller to Cashier Assignment – Create / Update / View / Delete / View Transactions
  • Allocate Funds to Teller
  • Settle Funds from Teller
  • Configure Teller

Mifos Functionality Enhancements

  • Enhancement of Staff to capture “Is Cashier?” attribute
  • New functionality to be added to maintain Tellers
  • New functionality to be added to maintain Cashiers mapped to Tellers
  • New functionality to be added to allocate Cash to a Teller
  • New functionality to be added to receive Cash to a Teller and mark a Teller as “settled” for a given date
  • New functionality to view Cash balance for a Branch (with or without the branches under it) or a specific Teller at a given stage
  • Any transaction that involves cash (Make Payment, Disbursement, Deposits, Withdrawal etc.) to record the transaction against a specific Teller
  • New functionality to enable Teller module and to mark which General Ledger Account is to be used as the "Teller Cash" account and which Payment Type is to be used as default for Teller transactions

New Screens

  • Teller Management Screens

a) List Tellers

                Filter by Branch

                Button to “Add New”

                Branch Name, Teller Name, Status, Current Cash Balance (Icons to Edit, View Cashirs/Txns, Delete)

                Delete not allowed if Txns exist

                Delete will not be allowed if there are Cashiers mapped to this Teller

b)  Add Teller

c)  Modify Teller


  • Cashier To Teller Assignments Screens

a)  List Cashier To Teller Mapping

                                Filter by Branch (dropdown), Teller Name (Dropdown), Cashier (Dropdown) and Date

                                Button to “Add New”

                                Fields to be listed:

                                               Branch Name,

Teller Name,

Cashier Name,

From Date and

End Date

(with icons to Edit and View Txns)

b)  New Cashiers to Teller Mapping

c)  Update Cashier to Teller Mapping

                Cannot be changed to another Teller if transactions exist for this cashier within the date range specified

                Start date cannot be modified if transactions exist for this cashier within the date range specified

                End date can be modified provided that it is not less that the date of any existing transactions for this cashier

d)  Remove Cashier to Teller Mapping – cannot be done if there exists transactions for this cashier during this period


  • Cashier Transactions Screens

a)  List Cashier Transactions

Filter by Branch, Teller, Cashier and date range

Fields to be listed:


Opening Balance,

Receipts (i.e. sum of),

Payments (i.e. sum of),

Settled Balance,

Closing Balance

(with icons to View Txns)

b)      List Cashier Transaction Detail



Txn Type (Receipt or Payment)




  • Configure Accounting for Teller Screen

New Configuration Screen for Tellers

Admin -> Organization --> Cash Management

               a)   Enable Cash Management (Radio Button with None and Cash)

               b)   Asset Account for Tellers (General Ledger Account to be selected - drop down will only have asset accounts - usually only one of the cash accounts will be selected)

               c)   Cash Account from which Fund Allocation is to be done to Tellers (General Ledger Account to be selected - drop down will only have asset accounts - usually only one of the cash accounts will be selected)

Note: b and c cannot be the same

               d)   Default Payment Type for Tellers (Dropdown with the payment types)

Changes to Existing Screens

Staff Screens – "Is Cashier?" check box to be added

Changes/Enhancements to Batch Jobs

No changes to batch jobs. Cashier/Teller totals are to be maintained real-time or when invoking any functionality that requires viewing of “Teller balance”.

Changes/Enhancements to Accounting Entries

a) Allocate Cash to Teller:

      Debit - GL Account mapped for Teller Account

      Credit - Cash Account from which Fund Allocation is to be done to Tellers

b) Settle Cash from Teller:

      Debit - Cash Account from which Fund Allocation is to be done to Tellers

      Credit - GL Account mapped for Teller Account

c) Teller Transactions - Loan Repayments and Savings Deposits:

      Teller ID to be captured for the transaction and accounting entry

       Debit - Cash Account from which Fund Allocation is to be done to Tellers (In product configuration, this account should be mapped against the payment type)

       Credit - Loan portfolio or Savings portfolio account - as configured for the product

d) Teller Transactions - Loan Disbursal and Savings Withdrawals:

      Teller ID to be captured for the transaction and accounting entry

       Debit - Loan portfolio or Savings portfolio account - as configured for the product

       Credit - Cash Account from which Fund Allocation is to be done to Tellers (In product configuration, this account should be mapped against the payment type)

User interaction and design

Exception Handling


New report needed for Teller Balances

New report needed for Teller Transactions




Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Should the Cashier to Teller mapping be mandatory to do "Teller Cash" transactions?

For example: If there are no Cashiers mapped to Tellers then the current user can be assumed to be a Cashier and allow the transaction to proceed accordingly.


Out of Scope