Creating a New Test Server

Alternate configuration of trunk war

Test servers that are essentially re-deploys of the trunk war with a dedicated database and different configuration files.

Examples: pseudolocale glim

  • create database on birch
  • grant database permissions to hudson user
  • add initial Mifos schema and data following INSTALL or by dumping and loading data from an existing Mifos instance
  • in resources/continuous-integration, create new test deploy configuration
    • svn copy, for instance glim-deploy to newtestconfig-deploy
    • modify
    • modify
    • modify server.xml to use ports different than existing test servers
    • modify loggerconfiguration.xml to point to a logfile specific to this deployment
  • create new deploy job on ci server by running resources/continuous-integration/ as hudson user on birch
  • open up a port for the Tomcat HTTP listener using ufw
    • example: sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 8106

Release branches

Release branch test servers are similarly created, except that instead of adding a new directory in svn in resources/continuous-integration ...

  • create the release branch
  • edit configuration files in resources/continuous-integration/deploy and commit them to the release branch