Changing Mifos Logo v2.6.1

Changing Mifos Logo v2.6.1

Mifos 2.6.1 and higher:

  1. Open Admin tab.
  2. Under 'Manage Mifos View' section there is a link: Upload new logo.
  3. Click on it.
  4. On 'Upload new logo' page, click on Browse button to select logo file.
  5. Click on Upload logo button.

Mifos version below 2.6.1:

To change Mifos logo in Mifos User Interface it is necessary to replace logo.jpg file in mifos.war.

To perform this operation User can use any application which can open archive file.

  1. Open mifos.war archive
  2. Go to WEB-INF/lib directory in mifos.war and find mifos-webapp.jar file. (Actual name of .jar file is: mifos-webapp-1.12-SNAPSHOT.jar)
  3. Open .jar file and go to META-INF/resources/pages/framework/images directory
  4. Replace existing logo.jpg file
  5. Place modified .war file in JETTY/webapps direction and start JETTY
  6. Login to Mifos and press CTRL+F5 to refresh web browser cache