Getting Started. v1.1 Branch Cash Confirmation Report

Getting Started. v1.1 Branch Cash Confirmation Report

Report Summary

This is a statement of daily cash inflows and outflows in a branch which is used to tally the day's accounting books. It is consumed by the management as well as the accounts department for tracking the cash flows of the branch.

Getting the Report Started

  • Upload the report template:Admin-Upload Report template-File Name Branchcashconfirmationreport.rptdesign
  • Set the report properties file. _ The reports might have configurable properties which need to be set for them to be accurate and useful. _ Set the localization properties if necessary.
  • After saving the properties file, login to Mifos and generate the report.

Localization of Reports

The reports have been internationalized using BIRT. Each report file has an associated properties file which has a list of symbolic names for each UI string, mapped to a label in English.The report can be translated to any language by modifying the strings in this file.

The localization file Branchcashconfirmationresource.properties is present in report/Birtreportresource in the Tomcat Mifos folder.

Alternatively, a new localization file can be created which has all the mappings present in this file, and the BIRT report can be changed to point to it, as follows:

  • Open the report in BIRT report designer (see Resources section)
  • Focus mouse on the top level element and click on the Layout tab
  • Click on Property Editor and select Resources in the list of properties
  • Enter the name of the resource file in the text box labeled Resource file

(the filename has to end with ".properties" but the extension should not be entered)

If you do not have the BIRT designer installed, you can open the report file in a text editor and look for the "includeResource" property as shown below and modify its value:

  • <property name="includeResource">Birtreportresource/Branchcashconfirmationresource</property>

Parameters that have to be set in the properties file

The properties file branchcashconfirmationreport.properties is in the folder - WEB_INF/classes/org/mifos/application/report/resources/ in the Tomcat mifos folder.

  • The number of signature lines that are displayed on the report can be configured by hiding the unnecessary signature lines. A maximum of 6 signatures can be displayed on any report.

Other Configurations

  • Digits to be displayed after Decimal: * The number of digits that are displayed after the decimal point in the report can be set in the Birt Report UI - i.e. number formatting option.
  • The MFI Logo file can be found in - mifos/report/images/logo.gif in the Tomcat mifos folder.The MFI Logo can be overwritten onto this location so that the logo is displayed on the report.


  • GK wanted a total of loan disbursal amounts called "Cash from Branch" to be displayed on the report. This total excludes the the disbursal amount of a specific product.
  • To add/remove product ids which are used to calculate "Cash from Branch" (aka EL Disbursement in the code), the query used by ELDibursementDetailsDataSet needs to be modified using the BIRT Edit DataSet function. The dataset is part of the report and can be viewed using the data explorer window of BIRT.
  • Thus the disbursements amounts of products (ids) which exist in the ELDibursementDetailsDataSet query are excluded while calculating the total "Cash from Branch".