Troubleshooting Historical Data
Where to find history?
Following is the list of tables and explanation of what kind of history is found in it.
a) Account_status_change_history
This is the table where you find the status change history of all types of accounts.
The table structure includes fields like
So against an account, you can find multiple entries since an account has to go various stages. In order to find out the status of account at a particular date, the changed date field can be used.
This is done by finding out the last entry of the account till the date and checking the new_status field to know the current status.
b) Change_log and change_log_detail
These are two important tables of MIFOS where you can find the history of multiple entities.
The main structure of the table is like that
The various entity types available for this table are
1 Client
2 LoanProduct
3 SavingsProduct
4 ProductCategory
5 ProductConfiguration
6 Fees
7 Accounts
8 Admin
9 Checklist
10 Configuration
11 Customer
12 Group
13 Login
14 Meeting
15 Office
16 Penalty
17 Personnel
19 Roleandpermission
20 Center
21 Savings
22 Loan
23 BulkEntry
Based on your entity types, you can find the particular entity_id
For example,
If the entity type is client then entity_id is customer_id, if entity type is personnel then entity_id is personnel_id and so on.
Based on the entry in change_log, you will find the detailed corresponding entry in change_log_detail.
From there you can find the old and new values.
c) Account_payment,Account_trxn, loan_trxn_detail, fee_trxn_detail
These are the key tables to find out the transactional history. The key structure of account_trxn table is
With the fields due_date and action_date, you will come to know about the due and actual payment dates. With account_action_id you will know the type of transaction as follows
The amount field will give the total amount. In order to view its break up in principal and interest, you need to go in loan_trxn_detail. For fees, correspondingly go in fee_trxn_detail. In order to know type of payment against the transaction, go to account_payment for it.
Where history missing/incomplete in MIFOS?
MIFOS does not track history for some of the entities and data files. A few such cases are listed below
- There is no provision track the loan counter history. Loan counter always gives the current counter against the client.
- Change_log_detail contains the old and new values as display names not the ids. Problem occurs when both names are same (that could be possible).
- There is no link between the reversed loan and the new loan created after the reversal .Ideally MIFOS should have the provision to link the parent account of the redone loan.
- Customer status changes are localized
- Office hierarchy changes are not audited in Mifos
- Office names are not ensured to be unique in Mifos.
- Can't determine the order of customer hierarchy and status changes
- account_status_change_history entries based on system date rather than transaction date
Where all it is mandatory to migrate history?
You need to have at least one entry in the following tables especially for reporting section. The reason for it is explained in next section.
i) Account_status_change_history
ii) Change_log
iii) Change_log_detail
iv) Account_trxn
v) Loan_trxn_detail
vi) Fee_trxn_detail
vii) Account_payment
Functionalities and fields affected where history of transactions missing
Whenever you try to run reports with historical dates (dates before the MIFOS go live date), the reports data won’t be accurate and correct.
In order to enable the reports run historically, you need to look into history tables every time to find out the status or branch or person etc. associated with the entity at the selected time.
Fields like:
Active accounts
Active clients
Active centers
Active groups
are affected.
When data is entered through MIFOS, proper entries go in all these tables but during the data migration process, there is a possibility that the client has decided to skip migration for some entities to reduce migration complexity. Reports run on such entities for historical dates may give unexpected results.
When transactions entries are missing for the migrated loans/savings about repayments or deposits, it’s very difficult to find out fields like
Outstanding amounts
Overdue amounts
Collected Amounts
Savings balances etc.
at any point of time.
- When transactions are missing for migrated loans, reverse and redo of loan functionality creates havoc. Amounts of reversed loans do not get reversed and it’s very difficult to give the correct numbers.
Reports affected when history missing?
The following reports getting affected:
a) Aging report
b) Outstanding report
c) Demand collection reports
d) Organizational status reports