Feature Request List

Feature Request List

This page is the starting point for writing down, organizing and filling out details related to features requested by Mifos users. The goal is for this to represent an ordered list of what the community of Mifos users most wants.

If you have a new feature request, you can add it to the section below under "New Feature Requests".

To edit this page, you must first log in to mifosforge. If you are already logged in, you should see your name in the upper right corner of this page.

To login, click on the "Mifos" icon in the upper left corner. This should take you to a home page with a "login" section on the right. If you have a username and password you can enter them there. If you don't have a login and password yet, you can click the "Sign Up" link to create an account.

After a new feature request is made, the community will decide how high or low on the Prioritized Feature List it should be.

New Feature Requests

<new feature requests go here>

Enabling use of Client Photo on creating a Client (Thomas, Uganda, system analyst, VasTech )

Inclusion of Shares Module like the loan and saving modules (Thomas, Uganda, system analyst, VasTech )(see also Shares Module Work In Progress)

A way to Import existing Client Data for a new Microfinace deployment (Thomas, Uganda, system analyst, VasTech )

Prioritized Feature List

Reporting and Dashboards

  • ETL related issues
    • need more detail
  • make the ETL job quicker
    • does incremental ETL address this?
  • reduce installation complexity
    • what are the main pain points?
  • integrate reporting UI with Mifos

(Thomas, Uganda, system analyst, VasTech ) stated:

Having Basic Standard reports ( i.e Client details report, Client Loan details rpt, Loan Payment details rpt etc) running as part of the mifos and not a separate solution for reporting


Having basic accounting reporting enforced from with in mifos by creating standard reports for say Total Loan Portfolio rpt, Total Profit rpt, Total Exependiture rpt etc

Flexibile loan scheduling

with facility for individual lending - Maya G's allowing a member to have loans with differing frequencies takes care of this partially. However, navigating to such individual loans (members may not belong to groups) still will have some challenges in Maya G


there are 2 approaches that MFI's have been requesting in India:

  1. Integrated accounting module - specifically for branch level accounting. Also we need to re-look into accrual accounting and a cash book maintenance/cash management module
  2. Better integration with an existing accounting software like Tally Disbursement date flexibility - ability to specify a loan disbursement date in the future and not just the meeting period immediately following the current date

Data migration toolkit

facility for easily and cleanly getting past member/group/loan data into Mifos.

Proposal to address this- make Sungard migration tool available.

Mobile devices and handheld device integration

Offline data entry

important if Mifos has to be adopted by larger MFIs/SHGs who have better reach in rural areas (where internet connectivity is poor and electricity is available only for 1 or 2 hours on some days)

Adequate Support for Self Help Groups

where more details of each groups linkage with their banks accounts can be managed, managing linkage between savings and loans etc.

Support for large MFIs (> 1 million customers)

batch jobs and upgrades and reporting becomes a challenge with some tables have millions of rows

Any information on this?  Batch jobs seems to be pretty good since 1.6.

HR integration

attendance, user security etc.

Customer acquisition process

to schedule and manage the client pre-enrollment process (Group trainings and group tests)

Customization of look and feel (logo, colors etc.) per installation

move internationalization resource bundles to the configuration folder so that it can be customized and deployed without being overwritten by each upgrade

Integration with Credit Bureau / Identity verification systems