MPESA - XLS file errors during import
Receipt ID already exists in any transaction in Mifos |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Transactions with same Receipt ID have already been imported. |
Any value under Date column does not start in format ofYYYY-MM-D |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Date does not begin with expected format (YYYY-MM-DD). |
First 10 digits from 'Other Party Info' column are not the same as Client's Phone Number |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Client with mobile number <mobile number> was not found. |
There are too many matches that 10 digits are the same as phone number |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - More than 1 client with mobile number <mobile number> was found. |
There are no rows found with import data |
No rows found with import data. |
No accounts are found bearing any of the products listed in the ImportTransactionOrder |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - No valid accounts found with this transaction |
Row has a cell that is empty in a required column |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - missing required data. |
The file to import is the same as previously imported file |
Same file name has been imported. Please import a different file. |
Status is not 'Completed' |
Not verified message: Row <#> ignored - <Receipt ID> - Status of Declined instead of Completed |
Transaction amount paid to MFI has not proper value (e.g. char) |
Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Cannot get a numeric value from a text cell |
Transaction type is not 'Pay Utility' |
Not verified message: Row <#> ignored - <Receipt ID> - Transaction type "Business Payment to Customer" instead of "Pay Utility" |
There is an overpayment of the entire loan and there is no savings account for that client |
Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Last account is a loan account but the total payment amount is not equal to amount paid in |
If this property is not set, then all transaction rows with no other information on loan or savings accounts will thrown an error |
Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - No Product name in "Transaction Party Details" field and ImportTransactionOrder property is not set |
Row has a cell that is empty in a required column |
Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - missing required data. |