MPESA - XLS file errors during import

MPESA - XLS file errors during import



Receipt ID already exists in any transaction in Mifos

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Transactions with same Receipt ID have already been imported.

Any value under Date column does not start in format ofYYYY-MM-D

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Date does not begin with expected format (YYYY-MM-DD).

First 10 digits from 'Other Party Info' column are not the same as Client's Phone Number

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Client with mobile number <mobile number> was not found.

There are too many matches that 10 digits are the same as phone number

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - More than 1 client with mobile number <mobile number> was found.

There are no rows found with import data

No rows found with import data.

No accounts are found bearing any of the products listed in the ImportTransactionOrder 

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - No valid accounts found with this transaction

Row has a cell that is empty in a required column

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - missing required data.

The file to import is the same as previously imported file

Same file name has been imported. Please import a different file.

Status is not 'Completed'

Not verified message: Row <#> ignored - <Receipt ID> - Status of Declined instead of Completed

Transaction amount paid to MFI has not proper value (e.g. char)

Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Cannot get a numeric value from a text cell

Transaction type is not 'Pay Utility'

Not verified message: Row <#> ignored - <Receipt ID> - Transaction type "Business Payment to Customer" instead of "Pay Utility"

There is an overpayment of the entire loan and there is no savings account for that client

Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - Last account is a loan account but the total payment amount is not equal to amount paid in

If this property is not set, then all transaction rows with no other information on loan or savings accounts will thrown an error

Not verified message: Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - No Product name in "Transaction Party Details" field and ImportTransactionOrder property is not set

Row has a cell that is empty in a required column

Row <#> error - <Receipt ID> - missing required data.