Automated Pentaho report testing notes
Automated Pentaho report testing notes
Automated Pentaho report testing meeting notes
Date: 9 Dec 2010
attendees: AdamM, Udai, Jakub, and Jeff
Reference - “Report Generation file testing” mentioned on this page - http://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/Pentaho+Report+Testing
- create an automated test for one of the reports currently in progress (a spike) - PASSED
Need a story and some dev tasks - what is approach?
- http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/EAI/Black+Box+Testing
- http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/Reporting/Writing+Pentaho+Reporting+Engine+UnitTest+Case(from 2007 – .prpt might be a different format)
- http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/ServerDoc2x/Unit+testing+with+an+embedded+BI+Platform
- need a single data set, or at least a static instance of data warehouse that is running
Two approaches
- embedded BI server (voted down)
- run against existing pentaho instance - we are going to follow this approach.
- running BI, tests will hit the URL (using url-fetch or Selenium) and get output as HTTP content (html,text or csv) which should be validated
- work in spike is to figure out how to the pass report name, parameters to BI server and how to compare expected to actual results.
How to schedule?
- Do Spike on the framework and documenting the approach.
- Adam M will spike an automated test for MIFOSBI-122. Actual spike on automation framework is MIFOSBI-144.
, multiple selections available,