Administrative Documents

Administrative Documents

MFIs can use BIRT, the same reporting tool used to create reports at the HO level, to create a set of administrative documents that can be attached to specific loan and savings accounts and printed as needed. The administrative documents that ship with Mifos v1.1 include a voucher, payment book, disbursal receipt, and payment receipt. [more info about each of these?]

Uploading administrative documents

Once an administrative document has been created, it can be uploaded to Mifos through the Upload admin documents link on the Admin tab. The user enters a document title, account type (either loan or savings), and the states in which the document can be printed. He then uploads the document template, previews it, and clicks Submit, to make the report available in Mifos.

Users can click the View admin documents link on the Admin tab to see a list of available administrative documents. From this page, the user can edit a document definition or download a document and modify the layout or data fields and then upload it to Mifos again.

Generating administrative documents

Available administrative documents are displayed on the loans and savings account details page, for every loan or savings account that meets that status requirements specified in the document definition. When a user clicks on a document link, the document is displayed with the data pertaining to that account. The user can then print the document, or the user can click Cancel to return to the account details page.

There is an open issue where admin documents are not working with Savings Accounts.  Issue MIFOS-1977

Receipt/voucher generating/printing functionality

Receipt/voucher generating/printing functionality is available in the following cases:

  1. Loan Agreement for each loan
  2. Details of the account
  3. Apply Payment

First, there is a need to upload previously prepared (in Pentaho Report Designer) document as an administrative document. Then, during uploading documents, it is necessary to choose where link to download document should be visible:

  • For Loan Agreement, please select ‘Application Pending Approval’ status and ‘Loan Administrative Document’ type.
  • To generate the Account Details document, please choose status of Loan/Savings account in which document should be displayed and also ‘Loan Administrative Document’ / ‘Savings Administrative Document’ type.
  • For Payment Receipt, please select ‘Payment Receipts’ type and ‘Loan Repayment’ status.

You can download the sample documents from here.