Pentaho Reports in Mifos
With Mifos 2.0.x and above, Mifos supports reports in Pentaho.
Collections and Disbursals Burndown
The Collections and Disbursals Burndown lists all loan payment collections and loan disbursals targeted for today. Number of Target and Completed Branches, Centers, and Clients are listed, as well as Target Collection Amount and Target Disbursal Amounts are shown.
Expected and Collected amounts for collection are shown with top 5 branches remaining to be collected, and there is a drill down report to the individual groups that need to be collected. The same is available for Expected Disbursals for the day. Collections is a separate drill down report showing all groups (both that need to be collected and have been collected). Likewise, Disbursals is a separate drill down report showing all groups (both that need to be disbursed and have been disbursed).
- Collections and Disbursals Burndown Dashboard (.jpg screenshot)
- Collections Drill Down Report (.jpg screenshot)
- Disbursals Drill Down Report (.jpg screenshot)
Management Reports
Aging Summary
This report shows a summary of aging and aging brackets for a branch.
Closed Loans
This report shows a list of all loans with Closed Status in Mifos.
Closed Loans Summary per Branch
This report summarizes closed loan statistics for each branch.
Dormant Clients Summary
This report gives a summary of all dormant clients - clients that do not have an active loan for a period of time.
MFI Progress
This report shows a comparison of 2 months specified by the user of the MFI's metrics, arrears, loan balances, etc. This report can be run down to the branch office level as well. This report is useful in providing information on progress at the MFI - for example, if they are expanding their outreach at a certain pace, or if their PAR has increased or decreased. This report can also help the MFI see if certain branch offices are doing better or worse than others.
Loan Officer Detailed
This report allows the MFI to see detailed metrics per Loan Officer, such as the branch offices they have been at, the number of centers they manage, and arrears and loan portfolio information. This report should be used to assess a LO's performance, and also see key statistics about their management.
Loan Officer Performance Summary (cumulative)
This report allows the MFI to compare Loan Officers by certain measures such as arrears amounts, PAR, etc. This report helps the MFI assess Loan Officer's performance. Data shown in this report is cumulative as of end date of report.
Loan Officer Performance Summary (during period)
This report allows the MFI to compare Loan Officers by certain measures such as arrears amounts, PAR, etc. This report helps the MFI assess Loan Officer's performance. Data shown in this report is for during the period stated.
Client Exit
This report lists all clients that have been changed to a Closed status in Mifos for a particular branch office or group level, their closed status, reason, notes, and # of loans they had.
PDF Sample: Client Exit (.pdf)
Outreach Summary by Branch
This report shows a summary of outreach numbers of clients, loans, etc by branch.
PPI Data Dump
This report is an export in CSV format that lists all clients with PPI data, details about client, and their PPI scores and likelihoods relevant for their country.
Operational Reports
Active Loans Summary per Branch
This report shows a summary of active loans per branch.
Active Loans by Center, Loan Product, Loan Purpose, and Loan Officer Reports
These reports list informatoin about each active loan by each respective filter.
Active Loans in their Last Installment
This report shows all active loans that are in their last installment of the repayment schedule.
Balance Outstanding
This report shows outstanding balances of loans or savings accounts based on filters selected, such as office, loan officer, product, and account status, as of a certain date. It is also possible to group the accounts by group, LO, or branch office, and get totals for each.
Savings Accounts
Field | Definition |
Account ID | Short Mifos ID of Account |
Client Name | Name of Client the Account belongs to |
Balance Amount | Balance of Savings Account as of the date the report was run |
Saving Status | Account Status |
Date of Opening | Date the Account became Active |
Gender | Gender of Client the Account belongs to |
Group Name | Name of Group the Client belongs to |
Loan Officer | Loan Officer as of date |
Loan Accounts
Field | Definition |
Account ID | Short Mifos ID of Account |
Client Name | Name of Client the Account belongs to |
Loan Amount | Amount of Loan Disbursed |
Balance Amount | Outstanding Balance of Loan Account as of the date the report was run |
Loan Status | Account Status |
Disbursal Date | Date the Account became Active |
Gender | Gender of Client the Account belongs to |
Group Name | Name of Group the Client belongs to |
Loan Officer | Loan Officer as of date |
Source of Funds | Source of Funds for Loan Account |
Balance Outstanding by Source of Funds
This report shows balance outstanding and other figures per source of funds in Mifos. This report helps the MFI give figures to their Funders on loans sourced by that fund.
Branch Expected Cash Flow
This report shows expected in and out cash flow for branch per day for the period specified. This report includes Principal, Interest, Loan Fees, and any Client, Group, or Center Fees (under Client Fees). This report does not include savings.
Center Collection Sheet
This collection sheet is optimized for centers, and for MFIs that collect only at meetings. MFIs from India would typically use this collection sheet.
Center Schedule by Loan Officer
Lists center schedule for each loan officer to help with planning for the week.
Clients Summary
This report lists summary of clients by categories of information collected such as Age, Gender, Poverty Status, Ethnicity, etc.
Group Collection Sheet (MPESA)
This collection sheet report is optimized for groups and also for MFI's that may collect between meetings, through a system like MPESA (mobile payments) where payments are imported into Mifos before the meeting occurs. Collected columns are populated with prepayments for loans. This report would typically be used in regions like Kenya where the center model is not used.
Due vs Collected by Branch
This report shows what was due and collected for loan repayments for one or more branches. This report should be run frequently to verify amounts that were collected. This report can also help the MFI determine if collections were under or over what was expected for the branch.
Field | Definition |
Principal Due | Principal due for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified - does not take into account prepayments or arrears |
Interest Due | Interest due for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified - does not take into account prepayments or arrears |
Principal Arrears Due | Principal that was overdue for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified |
Interest Arrears Due | Interest that was overdue for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified |
Principal Collected | Principal that was paid (both due and overdue) for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified |
Interest Collected | Interest that was paid (both due and overdue) for that branch's loan repayments on the repayment date specified |
Due vs Collected by Center
This is the same report as Due vs Collected by Branch, except it can be filtered further by Center. This report helps to see what a specific center collected versus what was due.
Due vs Collected by Loan Officer
This is the same report as Due vs Collected by Branch, except it can be filtered by Loan Officer. This report helps to see what a specific Loan Officer collected versus what was due.
Funds Movement
This report shows loan accounts by source of funds, and information about each of them such as Loan Disbursal Dates, # of Installments, etc. This report can help the MFI see details of loan accounts for a specific source of funds. This report can be run to drill down into any problem loan accounts associated with a source of fund.
Groups Information
This report shows summary about groups in Mifos, and also information about each group such as Date Formed, and also when it was closed.
Loan Classification by Product
This report displays metrics by loan product. This report helps to differentiate each product the MFI offers, and helps the MFI assess if any changes should be made to their loan products based on the metrics.
Filter | Description |
Date Range | Period to run report for |
Office | Head Office down to Branch Office selected |
Field | Definition |
Product Name | Name of Loan Product |
# of Loans Disbursed (During Period) | Number of Loans disbursed during date period specified |
Amount Disbursed (During Period) | Amount of Loans disbursed during date period specified |
# of Loans Disbursed (Cumulative) | Number of Loans disbursed cumulative by end of period for that loan product |
Amount Disbursed (Cumulative) | Amount of Loans disbursed cumulative by end of period for that loan product |
Amount Outstanding (End of Period) | Principal Outstanding at end of period for that loan product |
Arrears (End of Period) | Principal in Arrears at end of period for that loan product |
PAR (End of Period) | Portfolio at Risk at end of period for that loan product |
# of Active Loans (End of Period) | Number of Active Loans (Active in Good or Bad Standing Status) at end of period for that loan product |
% of Portfolio Amount (End of Period) | Principal outstanding at end of period for this loan product divided by total principal outstanding * 100 |
Loans Pending Approval
This report shows all loans that are in pending approval status for a particular period, and also by loan officer and loan product.
Loans To Be Disbursed
This report shows all loans that have been approved, but not yet disbursed, for a particular period, and also by loan officer and loan product.
Mifos Transactions - Detailed
This report can be run at the end of day to display all transactions made in Mifos that day. This report shows each detailed transaction. This report is useful for reconciliation with accounting.
Mifos Transactions - Summary
This report is similar to the Mifos Transactions - Detailed report, except it groups transactions by Receipt ID, and shows totals for each group of transactions by Receipt ID. This report is useful if reconciliation at the MFI is by Receipt ID.
Overdue Mature Loans
This report lists loans that are overdue, and the report can be filtered by Center, Product, and Source of Funds.
Written Off Loans
This report information about each loan that has been written off, including loan amount and reason the loan was written off.