Mifos and Data Warehouse Data Health Checks
http://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSBI-218 is the issue that this wiki page relates to.
Note: Further changes to the checking scripts won't be attached to this wiki page but are available from the bi git repository in directory ETL/scripts.
Before and After Checks on the Mifos OLTP and Data Warehouse Databases
Mifos OLTP Database Pre-ETL Check
Run the attached script mifosPrecheck.sql to see if any blocking and/or warning data quality issues are likely to come up when creating the Data Warehouse from the Mifos database.
mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD OLTP_DATABASENAME < mifosPrecheck.sql > mifosPrecheck.out
For blocking issues (and further information on any warning issues) community members should contact the mifos developer list.
Typical problems highlighted include creating accounts before the corresponding clients, lack of account status history, duplicate fees and loan officers... mostly due to initial migration into mifos needs or moving the system date backwards and forwards.
Data Warehouse Data Quality Check
The mifos data warehouse suite comes with a job that will check your data warehouse data quality.
In ubuntu,
bash bi/data_warehouse_health_check.sh <PDI_HOME> <PDI_JOB> <OUTPUT_FILE> e.g. bash bi/data_warehouse_health_check.sh /opt/pentaho/data-integration /home/ubuntu/bi passfail.log
Trouble-Shooting if ETL Job Fails
If the job that brings mifos data into the data warehouse fails... run the attached script mifosUnsuccessfulETL.sql
mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD DATAWAREHOUSE_DATABASENAME < mifosUnsuccessfulETL.sql > mifosUnsuccessfulETL.out
Typical problems highlighted include creating clients before groups.
Community members should contact the mifos developer list with the output and may need to supply a copy of the mifos database and incomplete data warehouse database for further trouble shooting.