Configure Operational Structure of Group Methodologies

Configure Operational Structure of Group Methodologies



     Different group methodologies require different operational structure. It is important for the MIS to support the structure selected by organization based on organizational goals, profitability objectives, and risk tolerance.
Some of the popular methodologies are
    1. Solidarity Group
      1. Grameen Bank
      2. Latin American - Solidarity Group
    2. Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
      1. Community Managed Loan Fund
      2. Village Banking
      3. Revolving Loan Funds (RLF)
      4. SACCOs
      5. Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies (MACS)
      6. Saving and Loan Association.
      7. Bank Linkage programs
      8. Federation/SHG

An MFI or organization may adopt a methodology from above list and modify it to suite the need of members and organization. One of the key factor in the methodology is grouping structure.

MFI/Organization can structure grouping in many possible ways. We will see some with real life example.

    1. Institute wants set n number hierarchy levels for grouping clients/members
      1. Center(Kendra) >> Groups >> Members   Example: GK, Nirantara ,Adhikar
      2. Groups >> Members Example: ATG, Rara Inc
      3. Village >> Centers >> Groups >> Membars   Example: SSK use this hierarchy , Chaitanya wants this feature but no supported by their current MIS and most of the MFI using FINO have this structure
      4. Programs >> Members Example: NURU International.
    2. Option to attach members at different level.
    3. Option to assign a staff to group

Configuration parameters




  • id : Unique key for hierarchy level,
  • parent_id: Refers to key of the parent level
  • super_parent: Indicates this level is highest level in the hierarchy or not (only one level can have this entry as true, other should have false)
  • level_name: Human readable unique name assigned for that level
  • recursable: Decides whether this level can have child level or not.
  • inherits: inherits Staff and meeting details from parent level group
  • can_have_clients: in enable, this level group can have clients attached to it.


Scenario 1: Centers >> Groups >> Members ( Real life example GK, Nirantara ,Adhikar )


To get this structure, configuration parameter values look like in below table



Scenario 2: Program >> Members (in case of NURU international)

To get this structure, configuration parameter values look like in below table



Scenario 2: Village >> Center >> Groups >> Members (Real life example: SSK , Chaitanya )

To get this structure, configuration parameter values look like in below table
