Limiting Product Combination

Limiting Product Combination

Limiting product combination

Date last updated: 17 May 2007 – Nesrine

UI Screens for this feature are available `here <https://mifos.dev.java.net/source/browse/_checkout_/mifos/documents/ui-workspace/05_Apr_2007.zip>`_.

Test cases are available `here <https://mifos.dev.java.net/files/documents/5045/62251/file_62251.dat/TestCasesGAP(12)%20V1.0.0.xls>`_.


Only the following restriction will be covered by the current feature: Product mix:

  • A client couldn't have two active loan accounts with products that are not allowed (i.e that couldn't coexist).


Those conventions will be used in the whole document:

  • UC: Use Case
  • Mandatory fields will be proceeded by *
  • Links are italicized
  • Buttons are put between brackets : `
    Unknown macro: {Button}
  • Only the following loan products are configured into Mifos: A, B, C, and D * A <> B : this means that A couldn't coexist with B

Feature summary

This feature is a prelude to address the following request: A client couldn't have two or more, active loan accounts with products that are not allowed (i.e don't match). I.e.: If A <> B, a client that have an active loan account (Active in good standing or active in bad standing) in A, couldn't have an active loan account in B ; since A and B don't match.

Background ----------

Currently, Mifos doesn't perform any restriction concerned with products mix. A client could match all products in his active portfolio. When adding the product mix issue, the system will perform the "product mix" validation when moving the account status to "Active", i.e at loan disbursal

Feature Description

UC1: Define product mix


  • Product mix is defined for active products

Primary Flow

  • The user enter the Mifos system
  • From the admin section the user clicks on Define Product Mix
  • A new page Define product mix is displayed
  • In the Mix details section, the user choose the product type (In the navigational UI prototype, choose "loan" in the drop down field)
  • The user choose the product instance name (In the navigational UI prototype, A is displayed in the drop down field)
  • In the right hand box, are displayed allowed products; i.e those that match with the selected product
  • In the left hand box, are displayed not allowed products; i.e those that don't match with the selected product
  • By default, a product is allowed with all active products existing in the system, even itself. However if the choosen product was defined not allowed in another product mix, this later should appear in the left hand box(In t he UI prototypes: A is by default allowed with all existing active products, which are : A, B, C and D)
  • The user selects from the right hand box, the product which is not allowed ( in the UI prototypes: B <> A) then clicks `
    Unknown macro: {Remove}
  • Through this swap mechanism, the removed product will be displayed in the left hand box (not allowed products).
  • Actions allowed from this page `
    Unknown macro: {Preview}
    ` and `
    Unknown macro: {cancel}


    • When the user clicks on `
      Unknown macro: {preview}
      `, the preview page is displayed
    • Actions allowed from this page `
      Unknown macro: {Edit product mix}
      `, `
      Unknown macro: {Submit}
      ` and `
      Unknown macro: {Cancel}
    • When the user clicks on `
      Unknown macro: {submit}
      `, the product Mix data are recorded and the following is displayed: "You have successfully defined the product Mix"
    • The user could view product mix details or define mix for a new product
    • When the user clicks on define mix for a new product
    • The Define product mix page is displayed. The user choose a new product. (product B for example)
    • Right hand box displays the allowed products (By default C, *D*and B)
    • Left hand box displays the not allowed products (A in this case)
    • The user selects the product A, then clicks on `
      Unknown macro: {add}
      `, to add A to the allowed products list
    • The preview page is displayed with the following warning message : "This/Those product(s) is/are not allowed to B. If you want to continue click on submit to save this mix"
    • text in red: "The others products mixes will be updated automatically."
    • The user clicks on `
    ` to return to the admin page without submitting any information.


  1. The product records are updated with the new mix
  2. When moving a loan account status to "active", i.e at each loan disbursal, the system performs the following validation steps:
  • Check if the client has active loan accounts
  • Check if the new loan product to disburse is allowed to the existent active loan product
  • If the two products are not allowed, a new page is displayed with the following message: "The loan couldn't be disbursed as A and B are not allowed"

Alternate Flow

  • If the user clicks on `
    Unknown macro: {cancel}

    ` in the Define product mix page, the admin page is displayed and no changes are recorded.

    • If the user clicks on `
      Unknown macro: {Edit product mix}
      ` in the preview product mix page, the Define product mix page is displayed with the information already captured.
    • If the user clicks on `
    ` in the preview product mix page, the admin page is displayed without recording any changes.

UC2: View / Edit product mix


  • There are products in the system for which product mix was defined

Primary Flow

  • The user enter the Mifos system
  • From the admin section the user clicks on view product mix
  • A new page is displayed with the following: products for which mixes were defined,
  • When the user clicks on the product instance name, the product mix page is displayed with the following: * Actions allowed from this page `
    Unknown macro: {Edit product mix}

    `,and `

    Unknown macro: {View change log}


    • When the user clicks on `
    `, the Edit product mix page is displayed.
  • The user modifies the product's mix and submit


  • The system performs the changes only for the new loan accounts, and thus at loan disbursal.

Alternate Flow

  • If the user clicks on `
    Unknown macro: {view change log}
    `, the change log page is displayed

UI Screens

In the admin page:

  • New subsection in the admin section labeled: "Manage Products Mix"
  • Links labeled: View product mix | Define product mix

Additional information

  • Tagging products for which mixes were defined
  • Product mix Changes Tracking:

    The logs have the following information for the changes made to the product mix records: Date of change • Changed by • Old value="old product mix" • New value = "new product mix"

  • Roles and permissions:

New permissions need to be added into the system:

  • Can Define product mix
  • Can Edit product mix
  • Managing errors:

Appropriate errors should be managed based on the system consistency.

Open issue

NB: When developing the UI, we need to:

  • Work on better text, ex:remove not allowed products
  • Reduce the white space between "product instance name" and "remove not allowed products