Adding a New Locale

Adding a New Locale

Add your locale

Adding a new locale is a manual process requiring knowledge of SQL and Mifos internals. The code for Mifos itself must be changed. Here is a rough outline.

  • Find the section of latest-data.sql where other locales are added. Follow their pattern.
    • Note: in the following tasks, increment ids as necessary for new records.
    • Add row to country table.
    • Add row to lookup_value table using a Java-based upgrade. See Upgrade208.java for an example on how to do this.
    • Add row to language table, if necessary.
    • Add row to supported_locale table.
    • Increment the database version in this file
  • Add an entry for your language name in LookupValueMessages.properties. This file allows the language names to be localized.
  • Create a java-based database upgrade for the new languages:
    • Find the java upgrade called Upgrade208.java. This has 2 supporting sql files, upgrade_to_208_part_1.sql and upgrade_to_208_part_3.sql.
    • Copy these files and rename them with the number of your upgrade.
    • Change the contents of the files as appropriate:
      • country codes go in part 1
      • language codes go into the java upgrade class (part 2)
      • locale names go into part 3.
  • Run the test LatestTestAfterCheckpoint.java - this will check whether the upgrade matches your latest-data.sql. If it doesn't pass, debug. If it passes, run all the tests and check in!


  • Add row to currency table, if necessary.
  • If you added a new language, translate resources bundles in src/org/mifos/config/localizedResources.
  • localize language/country-specific JavaScript files

See latest_data.sql for examples of the necessary SQL (near Spanish locale support).

See AdminOnlineTranslationHOWTO for ISO language and country codes.

Use your locale

Enable your new locale in a custom application-wide configuration file

Possible improvements