Jira Process
Jira is now both our bug tracking and project tracking system. This page details the project tracking details
View Cards
To view cards associated with a version, do the following.
- Go to Agile tab at the top, click on Planning Board.
- Select mifos project. To see all cards for a release, select Context On the Fly and version to the release you are looking for.
View Core Planning
To view Core Planning, select Planning Board, mifos project, context = Core Planning, version to the current iteration. This will show a view of all cards sorted by rank due in this current iteration being done by Core planning.
Other Contexts
There are other contexts for viewing each team for planning purposes.
Overview of Points
On the right side bar when viewing Planning board, there are boxes for each fix version and stats for each. They contain information on story points for entire iteration for example, and what's left to do.
Release Planning
To do release planning for E for example, select context E Core Epics and version = Release E to see all epics for the release. They contain 50% and 90% estimates.
Create Cards
To create a new card
- Go to Agile tab.
- Select the version you want to create the card in
- Click on New Card button at the top left.
- Write User Stories in Description part of the issue and keep the Summary/Heading short and relevant like Bug Entry Guidelines
- Fix Version - if this is being worked in the current release, select both the release version (ie Release E) AND the iteration it is planned for (ie Release E - Iteration 2)
- Scheduled For - if it is planned for in the release, select Release. If not, select Product. If unsure, leave blank
- Team - select the Team that will be working on the card - like Core, GSoC, Thoughtworks, etc
- Epic - if it is in the current release, there is an Epic it should be long to. Use filter "E Core Epics" to find an epic the card will belong in.
- Story Points - enter # of story points it will take to resolve the card. This field must be completed to move a card to In Progress.
If you are working on a card, and you notice the Team is set to a different Team than your own, be sure to change it to the Team you are on before you resolve the card.
Assigning Cards
If you are assigned an issue to comment on, please add your comments and assign it back to the right person. If you do not, assign it to Unassigned, or you will be on the hook to fix the issue.