Manage Codes

Manage Codes

Codes or drop-down values are  instrumental parts of the Mifos X Community App. From this selection you can create new drop-downs and edit their values as well as edit the values for system-generated codes and drop-downs. 

How to Navigate?

Navigate to Admin>>System>> click on Manage Codes

View Codes

Once you click on Manage Codes, Mifos application will generate a list of all codes in the Mifos system for your organization.

One can search the required field by using the Filter by Name search bar at the top of the list.

  • Mifos provides a list of standard system codes.
  • Can be customized to terms used by your organization.
  • Information provided here will appear in the drop-down menus in the system.
  • Adjust the numbers to reflect the desired order for the menu.

How to Add Code?

Add Code

You may create additional codes in this area by following the steps:

  1. Click on Add Code button at the top-right of the screen


       2.Type the code name in the blank field


           3. Click 

Customize Codes 

The system comes with the most commonly used codes. To add specific fields for your organization,

  1. Click on the desired code.
  2. Click on 
  3. Type in the Name to appear in the field's drop down menu.
  4. Enter the position of each code value for a given field.  In this example, the "Client Closure Reason" lists four reasons a client may leave the organization.
  5. When working on a client account, the "Client Closure Reason" lists four reasons a client may leave the organization. 

  6. The above created code values appear in the system drop downs.

System-defined Codes 

Code NameDescription
Address_typeThis will appear in client screen, the address type may include permanent address, residential address, office address.
Asset Account TagsAsset account tags include cash, cash in bank, inventory and so on. The accounting staff will identify the required tags in pre-configuration planning
Center Closure ReasonLists the reason to close the center, this information appears in center screen.
Client ClassificationThis will appear on the Create Client screen. The organization may add descriptors to define customer classes for reporting requirements.
Client Closure ReasonList any reasons a customer may close an account. This information will appear on the Client Close screen.
Client TypeThis will appear on the Create Client screen. The organization may add descriptors to define customer classes for tracking and reporting purposes.
Client reject reasonLists the reason with respect to client rejection criteria, this will appear in client reject screen.
Client sub statusLists the reason which shows sub status of a client.
Client withdraw reasonLists the reason with respect to client withdraw, this will appear in client withdraw screen.
ConstitutionShows the list of districts, this will appear in create client screen.
CountryShows the list of countries, this will appear in create client screen.
Customer IdentifierThis will appear on the Create Client screen. The organization will list all acceptable form of identification a customer can use.
Equity Account TagsThis will appear as a "tag" on the Accounting/General Ledger screen when creating or editing an equity account.
Expense Account TagsThis will appear as a "tag" on the Accounting/General Ledger screen when creating or editing an expense account.
GenderThis will appear on the Create Client screen. The system provides male/female
Group Closure ReasonThis will appear on the Close Group screen. The organization may list the reasons accepted to close a group.
Group RoleThis will appear in the Group Create and Edit screens. This allows the organization to define roles such as "leader" or "trainer."
Guarantor RelationshipThis will appear in the New Loan screen. The organization will list the acceptable loan guarantors.
Income Account TagsThis will appear as a "tag" on the Accounting/General Ledger screen when creating or editing an income account.
Liability Account TagsThis will appear as a "tag" on the Accounting/General Ledger screen when creating or editing a liability account.
Loan CollateralThis will appear in the New Loan screen. The organization will list the acceptable loan collateral.
Loan PurposeThis will appear in the New Loan screen. The organization will list the acceptable loan purposes.
Loan reschedule reasonLists the reason for rescheduling the loan, it may include values like "repay after two months", "Change the repayment date" .
Main Business LineLists the different business streams of the customer, this will appear in create client screen.
Relationship TypeThis will appear in the New Client screen. The organization will list the relationships used in the organization such as "spouse."
StateShows the list of states, this will appear in create client screen.
Write Off ReasonsLists the reason for closing the loans.
Yes or No

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