Data Tables

Data Tables

 a part of the mifos platform the Data Table functionality is of the utmost importance for an organisation for it can be used to collect any data specific to an organisation completely customisable at any point of time.

On this page:

View Data Tables

  1. Click on the Hamburger Menu (Three Squared Dots placed Vertically),
  2. Data Tables will always be accessible from an Option of the Pattern More {entity} Info
    Where entity could be 
    1. Client
    2. Loan
    3. Savings Account
  3. Click on the Data Table Name,
  4. Now you can see the values of the data table associated with the entity.

Example Client Data Tables


Add an Entry into Data Table

  1. Click on the + icon on the Action Bar.
  2. In the Dialog Fill in the Values.
  3. Click on Save Button.

Delete an Entry from the Data Table

  1. Long Press on the Data Table Entry To Delete it.


Key Error Messages