User Stories

User Stories

Client Management:

Feature NameFeature SummaryUser StoryAcceptance criteria/Business RulesQuestions / Discussion points
View Profile/PhotoThis feature enables the app user to view their profile details as provided during registration/creation of account with the financial institutionAs a customer in the self-service.mobile wallet app, I want to view my profile details within the app so that I can verify my information is correct.User should be able to navigate to the 'View Profile' screen and view the following profile details:

1) First and Last Name
2) User name
3) Email address (if separate from user name)
4) Address
5) Phone Number
6) Profile Photo
7) Account activation date
Confirm what other profile details may be useful to be shown to the user
Edit Client DetailsThis feature enables the app user to edit their profile details from the app, so that they can keep their profile up-to-date and accurate.As a customer in the self-service/mobile wallet app, I want the ability to edit my profile details within the app so that I can keep my profile up-to-date and accurate.User should be able to navigate to the 'View Profile' screen and instantly edit the following profile details.

1) Address
2) Phone Number
3) Profile Photo

User should be prompted to re-enter the password to update any of the above details.

User would need to click on 'Save changes' for the edits to take hold.

User should not be allowed to edit Name, username, or email address from the app. ( would need to contact help desk to make these changes and provide verification documentation)

On updating the information, user should get an email/SMS confirming the updates, and instructions on who to contact if the profile change was not requested by the user.
Assuming we should not allow user to update Name, username and email address? Since it's implicitly tied to Account login?
Submit Survey/QuestionnaireThis feature enables the user to submit a survey questionnaire rating their experience with the app.As a customer in self service app, I have the opportunity to submit a survey rating the app so that I can voice feedback for improvements or other concernsUser should be shown an option under 'View Profile' or on the Home Page to 'Submit Feedback'

On clicking the 'Submit Feedback' option, user will be shown a list of survey questions:

 - Please rate your experience using this app on a scale of 1-5
 - Free text field asking what could be done to improve experience or other feedback

On submitting the survey, the user should be shown a confirmation screen indicating the survey  has been successfully submitted.

User should have ability to submit survey as many times as they want.
Will need to compile a list of survey questions 

Customer Tools:

Feature NameFeature SummaryUser StoryAcceptance criteria/Business RulesQuestions / Discussion points
EMI CalculatorThis feature provides  the app user a tool  within the app to calculate the EMI  on a loanAs a customer using the self-service/mobile wallet app, I can calculate the EMI on my loan so I can understand the amount of loan I can comfortably afford.User needs to enter the following information:
- Principal Loan Amount  - mandatory
- Loan Tenure (months or years) - mandatory
- Rate of Interest (percentage) - mandatory
- Start Date (month & year) - Optional

If any of the mandatory information is not entered, user will be shown an error message "This is a required field, please enter again"

On clicking the submit button, user will be shown payment summary with:
 -  break-up of principal and interest components
 - payment schedule
 -  chart for the loan details entered

User will have ability to share this information via email, using the 'Share' option, and entering an email address
Need to figure out the validation criteria that would be applied on the input fields ( depends on currency and location)

Mobile Money Wallet:

Feature NameFeature SummaryUser StoryAcceptance criteria/Business RulesQuestions / Discussion points
Add mobile money accountThis feature allows the user to open a Mobile Money Account through the appAs a customer using the self-service app, I can open a mobile money account so that I can track my mobile money usage using the appUser can navigate to 'Create Mobile Money Account' under Quick Actions menu on the Home Page

On clicking 'Create Mobile Money accoun' user will be shown a form with the following mandatory input data fields:

 - Mobile Money Account Name - open text field
 - Mobile Money Provider Name - dropdown list with available options
 - Phone Number
 - Initial Mobile Money Cash Account Balance

The user can click on the 'Save Changes' button to save and add account

The user has option to click on 'Add another' to create another mobile money account within the same screen

If the user clicks on 'Save Changes' button without entering any of the input data, an error message will be shown prompting the user to correct the empty field.

On successfully adding the mobile money account, and on clicking the 'Save Changes' button, the user will be directed to the screen listing all mobile money accounts in a table that shows in each row:
 - Account Name
 - Mobile Money Provider
 - Phone Number
 - Balance
 - Status of account
 - Set of actions that the user can take on each account - Edit, Delete, Close
Need to figure out the validation criteria that would be applied on the input fields .
View balance of mobile money accountThis feature allows the user to view their mobile money accountsAs a customer using the self-service app, I can view all my mobile money account balances so I can track their usage and statusThe user will be able to view all their mobile money accounts with the following details per account in a tabular format:
 - Account Name
 - Mobile Money Provider
 - Phone Number
 - Balance
 - Status of account
 - Set of actions that the user can take on each account - Edit, Delete, Close
Validate whether these set of actions are enough?
Load funds form external source to Mifos accountThis feature allows user to transfer funds from an external account to a Mifos account As a customer using the self-service app, I can transfer funds from an external account to a Mifos account so that I'm not limited by my Mifos account funds and have greater flexibility in moving money around to meet my needs.

 The user will be asked to input the following information -

Transfer To : Select Mifos account (from dropdown of available accounts)

Transfer from details:

Select from a previosly stored external account (dropdown)

or if new account needs to be entered

- Is the account Domestic or International ? (radio buttons)

- Routing number

- Account number

- Re-enter Account number

- Account Type


Date to be Transfered

If the user is entering a new external account, a button "Add Account" will be shown on the form.

On clicking "Add Account", the external account details will be stored for repeated transactions as needed.

If incorrect routing number is entered - show error message 'The Routing Number you entered did not match any Banks within our directory. Please enter a different Routing Number'

If any information is missing, show error message - 'This is a required field. Please enter the -----'

On clicking the 'Confirm and Transfer' button, user will be shown a pop up with the summarized details of the transfer. User can click on 'Submit Transfer' button to confirm the transaction.

A confirmation message will be sent to the user on the email on file with the account details masked, and the amount and date details.

 Should we save external account details so that user doesn't have to keep reentering information next time they want to do a transaction?
Repay Mifos loan from external fund source    
Transfer funds from external fund to another member    
Pay a merchant using external funds    
Pay for a bill using external funds    

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