GSOC 2017 Self-Service Android App Project Plan

GSOC 2017 Self-Service Android App Project Plan

Target release
Source Codehttps://github.com/openMF/self-service-app
Project StatusPRE-PLANNING
Document statusDRAFT
Document ownerDilpreet Singh
DesignerDenila Philip
DevelopersDilpreet Singh

Project Summary

Earlier clients were dependent on bank staff (which used Mifos Android Client) for performing any kind of transaction or alteration due to which Self Service app was developed in order to help clients to manage their accounts. Self-Service Android app enables clients to interact with their data. Using Self Service v1, clients can perform basic operation such as viewing their account details, loan and share accounts, apply for a loan, transfer money between their own accounts. 


  • Allow user to register on app
  • Help user to make loan payments
  • Allow user to view and update his/her details
  • Help user to make Third party transfers
  • Allow user to update or delete a pending loan application
  • Integrate a mobile wallet

Background, Impact, and User Need

Self-Service currently allow the clients to perform limited functionality so primary goal will be to increase the functionality so that the user can independently and easily manage, transact from their accounts without the need of bank staff.

Project Implementation Plan

Beneficiary for Third Party Transfer(TPT):- 

Beneficiary for TPT consists of adding, deleting, updating and displaying the list of all the beneficiaries. 

For Adding a TPT beneficiary

Flow diagram :


Updating and Deleting a TPT beneficiary

On clicking on any beneficiary, it would display the details about that particular beneficiary and also provide options to delete or update the beneficiary.For updating , the user will be allowed to update the name and transfer limit for that particular TPT Beneficiary

Update and Delete a pending approval Loan Application:-

By clicking on one of the loan from loan accounts list , user will be able to delete or update the loan with pending approval state from the menu.These option will only be displayed in the loans with a pending state.

For updating a loan we will follow the following steps:

  1. Fetch a particular loan details in order to obtain the productId.

  2. Use the productId to fetch the loan template for that particular productId and loading it to the layout used for creating a loan.

  3. Updating the loan after client made changes

On clicking on Withdraw loan a dialog will be shown asking for confirmation and reason for cancelling as shown in the mockup 

Sign Up through application

Sign Up includes 2 steps:-

  1. Client Account Verification process where client will enter mifos account number and their registered phone number.This step is mandatory in order to check the authenticity of the user.
                Mock : Link

  2. Creating self service account for the user and link the client account to self service account created which can be implemented in 2 ways:

    1. Allowing the user to create their password
               Mock: Link

    2. Autogenerated password which will be mailed to the user email id
               Mock: Link

Make Loan Payment

Implement Loan payment feature from mock provided and is explained briefly here

  • Loan Repayment can be considered as a Third Party Transfer so , Third Party Account Transfer Template will be used for loading the accounts in spinner and finally N number of Third Party Transfers will take place for N number of saving account chosen.
  • As there can be number of Savings Account which would be used for making payments according to the mock , so a dynamic layout will be added every time user click on the Plus Icon
          Dynamic Layout
          Moreover a Pay From account should only contain Savings Account these will be filtered using rxjava.
  • During the time of transfer , transfer of funds will take place for all the savings account chosen during 1st step and these will be executed one by one until all the transfers are completed.

Refactoring Charge Feature

Enhance the current Charge Feature and transforming it into a generic type fragment which will work for client, savings and loan charges.Users will be able to see charges for loan account by clicking on a loan account from loan account list and then by clicking on Show Charges button (same goes for the savings charges).

Mobile wallet integration

Need to be discussed.




Community Bonding Period (4 May -30 May )

4 May - 16 May

  • Improving the mocks according to mentor review

  • Understanding API and mocks for Mobile wallet integration.

17 May - 31 May

End Semester Exams

Coding Period Begin (30th May)

Week 1 [31th May-6th June]

  • Feature to Update Loan Application

  • Feature to Delete a Loan Application

Week 2 [7th June-13th June]

  • Refract Charge Fragment to show client, loan and savings charges from same fragment and presenter

Week 3 [14th June-20th June]

  • Implementing Beneficiary for Third Party Transfer which includes displaying list of beneficiaries, adding, modifying and deleting of Beneficiary

Week 4 [21th June-27th June]

  • Continuing implementation of Beneficiary for Third Party Transfer

Phase 1 evaluations (26th June - 30th June)

Week 5 [30th June-4th July]

  • Implementing Third Party Account Transfers

Week 6 [5th July-11th July]

  • Mobile Wallet Integration

Week 7 [12th July-18th July]

  • Continuing with mobile wallet integration (assuming it as a time taking task)

  • Implementing User Sign up while considering all the cases for user to sign

Week 8 [19th July-25th July]

  • Continuing with implementation of User Sign Up

  • Displaying User Details feature

Phase 2 evaluations (24th July - 28th July)

Week 9 [28th July-1st Aug]

  • Implementing Loan make payment

Week 10 [2nd Aug-8th Aug]

  • Feature to allow User to update his/her details

Week 11 [9th Aug-15th Aug]

  • Implementing Unit testing for the previous features and
    for the features implemented for Self Service version 2.0

  • Implementing Integration testing for all the features

Week 12 [16th Aug-20th Aug]

  • Continuing implementation of integration testing

Final evaluation

Self-Service API's Status

TPT beneficiaries:-

List TPT beneficiaries/api/v1/self/tptbeneficiaries/tpt/WorkingNone
Add TPT beneficiaries/api/v1/self/tptbeneficiaries/tptWorkingNone
Delete TPT beneficiaries/api/v1/self/tptbeneficiaries/tpt/{id}WorkingNone
Update TPT beneficiaries/api/v1/self/tptbeneficiaries/tpt/{id}WorkingNone

Loan Updation and Deletion:-  

Template for particular loanProductId/api/v1/self/loans/template?templateType=individual&clientId={clientId}&productId={productId}WorkingNone

Third Party Account Transfers :

Third party transfer templateself/accounttransfers/template?type=tpt&tenantIdentifier=default&pretty=trueWorking
Third party transfer/api/v1/self/accounttransfers?type=tptWorkingThe tpt template returns the same values as that for the account transfer template but allows transfer only to the account which are added to the beneficiaries. Need to Clarify.

Additional Resources

MockUps: https://openmf.mybalsamiq.com/projects/mifosandroidself-serviceapp/grid

Product Document:Self-Service Android Application Product Document

User Stories: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/projects/User+Stories

Roadmap: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/projects/Self-Service+Android+Application+Roadmap

Self Service Info: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOSX/Customer+Self+Service

Self Service Phase 2 Info : Customer Self Service - Phase 2

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