Mifos 2.2 Upgrade Instructions
Mifos Versions
- Please read all relevant upgrade instructions for the version of Mifos you are running and above before proceeding with this upgrade - Past Upgrade Instructions
- If you are unsure of the version of Mifos you are using, please refer to Past Releases.
Important Notes
For Mifos 2.2, the default servlet container has changed from tomcat to jetty. The latest Jetty 7 release can be downloaded here. Additional information on Jetty can be found at http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Starting. Read the INSTALL file included with Mifos carefully and note that when running Jetty, you need to define the environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS ... -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m which is a change from when using tomcat. Mifos should continue to work with tomcat, but since the new default developer environment is Jetty, it is recommended to deploy using Jetty.
- There was an issue in 2.0.x and 2.1.x where Loan Write Offs were being incorrectly calculated if there were future installments. More information is in MIFOS-4948. In your upgrade to 2.2.0, the upgrade will automatically fix any past Loan write offs done that were incorrect. You will still note some inconsistencies in values on Account Details and Repayment Schedules - they are noted in this issue - MIFOS-5087. This will be fixed in 2.1.4 as well.
- Labels have been replaced with Customized Text. Please check your Customized Text after Upgrade to ensure that all labels were converted properly.
Potentially Large DB Changes and Pre-Upgrade Option
Mifos 2.2 contains a substantial amount of database related upgrades. If you are a small or medium user, this shouldn't amount to much upgrade time and you can ignore this note as the normal Mifos upgrade takes care of everything. If you are a large/very large user it may matter. See below to get an idea of how long the upgrade will be for you.
Database Changes
Remove unused currency indexes, add performance indexes and some timestamps.
Increase general speed of creating schedules and making payments.
Increase speed of date based processing of schedules and account transactions e.g apply holiday batch job, any reporting on today's transactions
For schedule and customer attendance data, allow the possibility of a speedy incremental ETL job for data warehousing
Also, as a side-effect, there was a 12 to 15% decrease in InnoDB database space usage.
Indication of How Long the Mifos 2.2 upgrade is likely to take
1. Run the following query against your production database to get your 'Data Size' (substituting your mifos database name if it is not 'mifos'):
select sum((t.data_length) / 1048576) as data_size from information_schema.`tables` t where table_schema = 'mifos'
2. Looking at the table below, find where you sit against the 3 MFI datasets that we tested against
e.g if your data_size output is 1,000Mb expect the upgrade to take roughly 12-18 mins... if 10,000Mb then approx. 3 hours
Server hardware and software will differ and that may affect time taken. The tests below were run on a Windows Vista Laptop 4Gb mem 2.53Ghz Core 2 Intel and EC2 Cloud ubuntu instances. There didn't seem to be much in it between the windows laptop and the EC2 cloud instance performance.
Data Size |
Pre Database Size |
Post Database Size |
Pre/Post DB Space Diff % |
Time Taken |
312Mb |
691Mb |
589Mb |
-14.76 |
4 mins |
1,945Mb |
4,108Mb |
3,519Mb |
-14.34 |
35 mins |
51,103Mb |
99,825Mb |
87,300MB |
-12.5 |
1,046 mins (17.5 hrs) |
Processing the Database Changes Pre-Upgrade
You should run this separate database upgrade when no-one else is using the system (or mifos will appear really slow to them)
If you decide the upgrade time is too long for you (or you want to pay forward some of the benefits highlighted above), you can run the database change part of the upgrade separately prior to upgrading to mifos 2.2 as the changes work fine on mifos 2.1.x. Here are the steps.
1. Download the mifos 2.2 zip file and unzip it in a directory of your choosing.
2. Go to the unzipped directory and then go into its db directory.
Copy the file mifos-db-template.properties to mifos-db.properties
Edit mifos-db.properties with your mysql database informaton. Mine is:
username=mifos password=mifos defaultSchemaName=mifos databaseHost=localhost databasePort=3306
3a. Windows
in a command prompt shell (cmd.exe), go to the db directory mentioned in 2. above and enter the following command:
call bin\expand_db_relG_special.bat
3b. Ubuntu
In the db directory mentioned in 2. above enter the following command to allow you permission to run; chmod 777 bin/*.sh
Then enter the follow command to run the database changes (if you see 'Liquibase Home is not set.' you can ignore it):
bash bin/expand_db_relG_special.sh
4. Just leave the upgrade running. If it is still running coming up to the time the system is need again then
i) stop mysql which will cause the current upgrade step to fall over (no data damage though).
ii) start mysql again
iii) kick off this upgrade again in your next available down-time slot. It will continue from where it left off (and so on till it finishes)
In the event that any of these changes causes problems with mifos (they shouldn't) it is possible to undo the changes. The 'rollback' sql can be found in the rollback section for each change in file changesets/changelog-PreRelease_G.xml
5. When you come to upgrading to mifos 2.2, the mifos upgrade process will recognise that the database changes have been done.