Mifos 1.4 Upgrade Instructions
Mifos 1.4 Upgrade Instructions
Detailed steps required for users upgrading from Mifos 1.3 to 1.4 of Mifos
If you are currently running Mifos versions 1.1 or 1.2, first refer to the 1.3 upgrade instructions.
If you are unsure of the version of Mifos you are using, please refer to Past Releases.
MySQL 5.1
Version 1.4 now supports MySQL 5.1. If you are upgrading an existing Windows installation of MySQL, the check the Mifos 5.1 Windows MySQL notes. For other operating systems, please follow normal MySQL upgrade procedures.
Firefox 3.0
Mifos now supports Firefox and IE. No additional configuration is required to use Firefox 3.0 or higher.
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