Mifos 1.5 Upgrade Instructions
Mifos 1.5 Upgrade Instructions
- If you are currently running Mifos versions 1.1 or 1.2, first refer to the Mifos 1.3 Upgrade Instructions
- If you are currently running Mifos versions 1.3, we recommend you upgrade to 1.4 first if you have a database larger than 10GB. Please first refer to the Mifos 1.4 Upgrade Instructions for what changed in 1.4 compared to 1.3.
- If you are unsure of the version of Mifos you are using, please refer to Past Releases..
Important Notes
Major Bug Fixes
- In this release, we fixed a major issue with data that was incorrectly being updated when moving clients from one group to another with different meeting days. Please see Fix centers or groups with wrong meeting dates due to moving clients for important details on how to clean up data in your Mifos production as a result of this issue.
Database Settings
- Default database user no longer "root", default password is no longer "mysql". See MIFOS-2850 .
- If you relied on these defaults, you now have to create a new MySQL user named "mifos" with password "mifos and give this user full access to their main database. For example: ``grant all on mifos.* to 'mifos'@'localhost' identified by 'mifos'``. Alternately, create a local.properties with whatever the correct settings are for your MySQL database.
Update your Reports
- MIFOS-2622 - Before this bug was fixed there were some inconsistency in database related to dates in these columns. It is recommended that you update your reports to/for this behavior.
- Reports and Admin docs are now stored in a safer location (outside the exploded war directory). See Configuring Mifos on how to set the folder your reports and admin docs can now permanently reside in. You will need to manually move or re-upload your reports there.
- If you have custom reports that mention Mifos packages, they need to be updated due to package refactoring
- For example, ``org.mifos.application.reports`` needs to become ``org.mifos.reports`.
Other Updates
- Update mifosBeanConfig.custom.xml :- Update class attribute in mifosBeanConfig.custom.xml to org.mifos.accounts.financial.util.helpers.FinancialRules(due to package refactoring in mifos)
- If you are currently using plugins, the plugin directory has moved. You need to place your plugin jars in MIFOS_CONF/plugins. See Plugin Management for how to do this.
- If your database has one or more rows where LOAN_FEE_SCHEDULE.AMOUNT_PAID is NULL, you must update existing null LOAN_FEE_SCHEDULE.AMOUNT_PAID to 0.00 prior to upgrade. See MIFOS-2990
If you have a large database, read before upgrading to 1.5
Use of tables week_days_master AND rank_days_master is deprecated in the next release after 1.5 (MIFOS-2866 ) :- Stop using these table (in reports etc) as these will be deleted in next release (after 1.5), i.e. these tables will still exist in 1.5 but in next release these will be deleted.
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