Developer FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions by Mifos users, developers, and specialists.

NOTES: Known Issues

  • Mifos has issues with 64 bit JVM.
  • Mifos has issues with tomcat security.
  • Mifos uses selenium for acceptance tests and selenium doesn't support Firefox 3.6 on all platforms, Firefox 3.5 (or less) works fine.

Maven Build Failure (mvn clean install)

  • Make sure maven is able to access the Internet. If you are behind proxy see
  • To generate report for test failures in application module run mvn surefire-report:report-only from the application directory and see application/target/surefire-reports/surefire-report.html
  • Acceptance Tests module downloads tomcat from Internet. It can timeout for slow Internet connection, you can download tomcat using download manager manually and put maven settings for using downloaded local see Maven Settings Xml

Can't connect to the database!

  • If building/deploying pre-1.6.0 on Linux, use lower_case_table_names.
  • Check your Local Properties File for correctness
  • Ensure MySQL is allowing incoming TCP connections.
  • Try connecting with the MySQL command line client (you can ignore the database host name parameter if your database is on the same host as your application) and enter the password when prompted:
    mysql -u <user_name> p<pwd_no_space_after-p> -h database_host_name database_name
  • Try running one *IntegrationTest as junit test from eclipse this will show the error, fix the problem and test again until this test passes. Quick way to make sure you are able to connect to a database

Application won't start

Could be a configuration issue, look at the localhost.<date>.log in the tomcat/logs directory for any errors.

How do I skip executing tests?

If you want to skip running the junit tests, you can do so with:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

How to create mifos war quickly?

  • Run "mvn clean compile package" from application, the war will be created as "application/target/mifos-gazelle.war"

How to use tomcat for Mifos development.