Mifos production DB Upgrade
Version Specific Instructions
This upgrade procedure applies to Release G and newer versions of Mifos which now use Liquibase for managing database upgrades.
STEP 1: Unzip Mifos distribution zip (eg. mifos-v2.2.zip)
mifos-v2.2/ config/ db/ bin/ contract_db.sh expand_db.sh liquibase.sh undo_contract_db.sh undo_expand_db.sh changesets/ (contain liquibase xml format database changes - http://www.liquibase.org/manual/changeset) lib/ (dependencies required for liquibase) sql/ (sql scripts not related to upgrade, only used for creating a new Mifos database) mifos-db-template.properties (database configuration template used by liquibase) INSTALL install-ubuntu.sh LICENSE mifos.war (deploying war will run expansion script automatically)
NOTE: Do not modify any file using an editor.
STEP 2: Copy db/mifos-db-template.properties to db/mifos-db.properties
STEP 3: Edit db/mifos-db.properties and provide values for db username, password, schema name, machine name and port
STEP 4: Give executable permission for all shell script in db/bin/ folder in case of Unix
STEP 5: Stop jetty
STEP 6: Note down date and time in YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format (eg. 2011-03-30T0:30:0), this will be required later in case of rollback. Doesn't have to be precise to the minutes, just near to the time before running the upgrade.
STEP 7: Run bin/expand_db.sh or batch file in case of Windows (This step can be skipped for small databases). If expand succeeds, should see "Liquibase Update Successful". If this step fails and you want to continue with previous version of Mifos, run db/bin/undo_expand_db.sh. The usage is undo_expand_db.sh YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss eg: undo_expand_db.sh 2011-03-30T0:30:0
STEP 8: Confirm the changes by querying the databasechangelog table in the updated Mifos database.
STEP 9: Deploy Mifos, start jetty and test new version of Mifos
STEP 10: Stop jetty
STEP 11: Run db/bin/contract_db.sh. If this step fails and you want to continue with previous version of Mifos, run db/bin/undo_contract_db.sh and db/bin/undo_expand_db.sh. The usage of undo_contract_db.sh is same as in undo_expand_db.sh mentioned above.
STEP 12: Start jetty, test new version of Mifos, Go live.