[GSoC'20] 15-06-2020-meeting-6

[GSoC'20] 15-06-2020-meeting-6


Jun 15, 2020


  • @Yash Khare

  • @Nayan Ambali


  • Discussion on how to proceed with the Vision PPI Project

Discussion topics





Companies that use PPI

  • Contact the 5 companies that use PPI and establish a point of contact to test the product once it's ready

Ease of Access of the application

  • The app will probably be used by people who might not be fluent in English. Translations in android are easy, so make a sample translation of the app into Hindi, so other people can see it as a template and translate it into other languages as needed.

Privacy of clients

  • Research about how to maintain a client's privacy since we'll be taking photos of their home. We need to establish a trust factor that the photos aren't used for anything except filling the survey.

Project Plan

  • Reviewed the project plan created by Yash on the confluence. It seems fine for now.

  • Discussed the work done by Yash last week.

Work to be done

  • Add the link to the appetize.io preview on the confluence page.

  • Merge the open prs and set up CI for the python part

  • To understand how the backend of AutoML image classification works, add a notebook with the procedure of image classification so everyone can understand what really happens in the backend.