June 16 2023 Weekly Check-In


Jun 16, 2023


Discuss progress of projects and identify any blockers


Discussion items



45 minutes

updates & blockers



For each student please create a new Level 2 entry and enter the following. 

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Google Summer of Code

Radha Thakare

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

I have worked on transcription of scripts for Accounting, Collaterals, Clients, Account Transfer also I have gone through Tailwind for implementing components.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

I will complete the navigation and rest remaining part.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?


Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Not yet

Pushpendra Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • I changed the custom APIs Services of Account Transfer, Accounting, Clients, Collaterals, Collections, and Deposits Modules with autogenerated Typescript APIs.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • I will complete the Groups, Home, and Login Module.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • Nothing

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • No

Pratyush Singh

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Made some final changes in the open PRs of viewbinding which were later merged with the default branch

    • My fellow contributor and I Drafted the ViewBinding Migration documentation to the mentor.

    • Started off with the mvvm migration wherein I am migrating the Login Activity to MVVM

    • updated the Jira board and created a subtask for migrating the login activity to mvmv

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • After I am done with the migration of Login Activity , I will switch to HomeOldFragment and start migrating that to mvvm

    • Find out next activity/fragment that needs to be migrated to mvvm

    • Document the above mentioned process

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • None, as of now

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • Not right now

Abhishek Gururani

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Worked on reviewer suggestions to the ViewBinding migration and saw the merging of ViewBinding Migration branch with main Development branch.

    • Researched on implementing OpenBanking APIs to the Mifos Mobile app, but faced blockers. And after through discussion/s with mentor and fellow developer, started working on MVVM migration of the Mifos Mobile App.

    • Crafted and Drafted the ViewBinding Migration documentation to the mentor.

    • Migrated Registration Fragment from MVP to MVVM architecture.

    • Updated Jira board, added subtasks, started working on MVVM migration of Registration Verification Fragment.

    • Have already started to document the on-going migration from MVP to MVVM, because I felt that fresh noted updates would make it easier to document the entire procedure.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Will continue working on migration of Registration Verification Fragment.

    • Will finish more work on MVVM migration.

    • Will document the procedure, and will review related migration PRs.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • None, as of now.

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • I’ve reached out to my mentor and have requested him to schedule a meet.

Meghna Bajoria

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Yash Sancheti

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Successfully bypassed SSL Pinning security to configure burp to android app and intercept requests.

    • Analyzed the codes and found some vulnerabilities of medium to high severity. Worked on fixing them.

    • Decompiled apk file and found some API keys that maybe sensitive.

    • Read about nuclei and it's use cases.

    • Had brief discussion with mentor about blockers and how to overcome them.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Create PR's as per mentor's suggestion.

    • Test the Mobile App for authentication, IDOR issues. Test the user permissions in web app for IDOR, authentication, access control issues.

    • Create a list of domains and endpoints and test them using nuclei for open redirect, xss, sqli, lfi, ssrf.

    • Static analysis of code using customized .ql scripts.

    • Document all findings from past week.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • none

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • nope


  • What did you accomplish this past week?

    • Completed a POC of the vulnerabilities I discovered last week on notion and shared it with my mentor.

    • I and my mentor had a weekly review session where we looked at the documentation I created and the vulnerabilities I discovered. He had some tips on how to adjust the document and I also spoke about my tasks for the week.

    • I continued phase 2 of the project which was performing data validation testing. I tested for cross-site scripting and SQL injection. Over the weekend I’ll test for command injection.

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

    • Document my findings for the previous week.

    • I’ll be testing for cryptographic failure (also known as sensitive data exposure). I’ll be reviewing the GitHub code for exposure of sensitive data and the use of hardcoded credentials.

    • I’ll also be testing for vulnerable and outdated components.

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

    • No obstacles from my end.

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

    • Not at the moment. Spoken to my mentor already and I am already implementing the tips he gave me on how to make my documentation easily understood by the developer who is going to make use of it.

Elijah Okello

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Abhinav Sinha

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Rachit Gupta

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Mifos Summer of Code


  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Arshad Patel

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Aditya Gupta

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Lakhwinder Singh Sarao

  • What did you accomplish this past week?

  • What will you do this upcoming week?

  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?

  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Other Discussion