2022 Google Summer of Code

2022 Google Summer of Code

Mifos Initiative has been accepted as a mentoring org for GSOC 2022.

Mifos has been accepted as a mentor organization for the 2022 Google Summer of Code. Please engage with the community via our mailing lists, slack, and gitter. Stay tuned for ongoing changes and refinement to our list of ideas and mentors.

2022 Summer of Code Timeline

Please see Google Summer of Code website for the full program timeline. Here are a few key dates and their current status: 




21 February: 1800 UTCMentoring organization application deadline


07 March

List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google Summer of Code site.


Interim Period: 07 March - 03 April

Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations

04 Apr - 19 Apr 1800 UTC

GSoC contributor application period

Application Review Period: 19 Apr - 12 May

Mentoring organizations review and rank proposals;

Slot allocations published to mentoring organizations

20 May: 

Accepted proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code site.

Community Bonding Period: 20 May - 12 June

Community Bonding Period | GSoC contributors get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects

13 June

Coding officially begins

29 July

Phase 1 Evaluation deadline (standard coding period)

Work Period: 25 July - September 4GSoC contributors work on their project with guidance from Mentors

5 Sept - 12 Sept: 

Final Week: GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (standard coding period)

12 Sept - 19 Sept: 

Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period)

20 Sept

Initial results of Google Summer of Code 2022 announced

12 Sept - 13 Nov: 

GSoC contributors with extended timelines continue coding

21 Nov

Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product

28 Nov: 1800 UTC

Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadlines

2020 Interns





Final Project URL


Time Zone


Android Client 7.0



IST (GMT +5:30)


Mifos Mobile CN 3.0



IST (GMT +5:30)

AndroidMobile Wallet 4.0https://gist.github.com/devansh-299/e2041c07d9ab55a747391951e9090df4IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
AndroidAndroid SDKhttps://gist.github.com/Grandolf49/f79537436a467dac0baa9458a38290c5IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Android Mifos Mobile 5.0https://gist.github.com/ShivangiSingh17/67b6041387c1e281caa7df23347f549eIndiaIST (GMT +5:30)

Android - Fineract CNFineract CN Mobile 3.0https://gist.github.com/jawidMuhammadi/9fa91d37b1cbe43d9cdfe165ad8f2102IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)

Istvan Molnar

Android Open Banking Fintech App https://gist.github.com/ankurs287/4ef7c3de462073bf36bd5247479cb176IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)

AndroidConvert Customer-Facing Apps to Kotlinhttps://gist.github.com/ashwinkey04/7bea77a5b5880023234b04dd68214c66IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Web Apps

Web App Rewrite



IST (GMT +5:30)

Web AppsWeb App Rewritehttps://gist.github.com/muskankhedia/b0929cbf2ae6236bfe07964a140da179IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Abhijeet Khangarot

Giorgio Zoppi

Web AppsDigital Bank UI for Fineract CN https://gist.github.com/abhi40308/21cf6f1ac78efe309faaf6a0d6d971e4IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Web AppsConfiguration Wizard and Operations UP for Payment Hub EEhttps://gist.github.com/spider0061/965c8867490802af94bb28d931fa908eIndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Web AppsOnline Banking App 4.0 https://gist.github.com/manigedit/bca72537151afde40a3246776cb22503IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Platform & Modules GSMA Mobile Money API Connector for Payment Hub EEhttps://gist.github.com/SubhamPramanik/905ea87b83dd0b6af62af18ca0c0c1eaIndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Fineract 1.x Platform & IntegrationCredit Bureau Integration 3.0https://rrpawar96.github.io/IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)

Fineract 1.x Platform & IntegrationVision PPIhttps://gist.github.com/yashk2000/b471cf090b739d901bf723a1741c9b40IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)

Fineract 1.x Platform & IntegrationMachine Learning Scorecard for Credit Risk Assessmenthttps://gist.github.com/humbletechy/43e7322913af561fdd7db5d4962d59a7IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)
Fineract 1.xCode Refactoring & Swagger API Documentationhttps://gist.github.com/thesmallstar/265d4f75a3a91bedb6acbf54b3e67cf9IndiaIST (GMT +5:30)


Fineract 1.xMigrate ORM to Eclipselinkhttps://gist.github.com/xurror/9fc6a93e2234dcd546b9d92ba44be28eCameroon


(GMT +1:00)

(Apache) Fineract 1.xImproving Code Quality & Testing Coveragehttps://gist.github.com/percyashu/98b0f7cc7f475b1515a5cae8a22320f4Cameroon


(GMT +1:00)

Recaps from Past GSOC

We documented their incredible summer in several posts to our blog:

Some posts from previous years as well and all our GSOC/GCI posts

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