Side Bar - Features
Side Bar - Features
After logging into Mifos X with your credentials, you will arrive at the Welcome Page. To the left of this page, you can access the Side Bar (hover the mouse over it to expand it).
The Side Bar provides you with the following options (in order):
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Takes you the Help page where you can see the list of Keyboard Shortcuts.
- Navigation: Takes you to the Navigation Tool page where you can view a list of Offices, Loan Officers, Centers, Groups and Clients. The list can be filtered by name.
- Checker Inbox & Tasks: Takes you to the Checker Inbox & Tasks page.
- Collection Sheet: Takes you to the Collection Sheet page, where you can generate sheets for collections.
- Individual Collection Sheet: Takes you to the Individual Collection Sheet page.
- Frequent Postings: Takes you to the Frequent Postings page under Accounting.
- Add Journal Entries: Takes you to the Add Journal Entry page under Accounting.
- Closing Entries: Takes you to the Closing Entries page where you can close accounting to journal entries.
- Chart of Accounts: Takes you to the Chart of Accounts page that lets you organize different accounts under Mifos X.
- Notifications: Takes you to the Notifications page.
- Client: Takes you to the Create Client page under Clients where you can create new clients.
- Group: Takes you to the Create Group page under Groups where you can create new groups.
- Center: Takes you to the Create Center page under Centers where you can create new centers.
- Help: Redirects you to the User Manual Documentation available here (opens in a new tab).
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