Loans Sanity Testing Checklist

Loans Sanity Testing Checklist

This page contains Sanity Testing Checklist for Loan Products. Links to Loan Accounts Sanity testing checklists are under tables.

Loan Products

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Kasia P

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Kasia P




mifos 2.6.2mifos 2.6.3mifos 2.6.4


Check "View Loan products" link on Admin page   











Verify that Loan products names on "View Loan products" page are linked to product information page











Verify that Inactive Loan products are signed on "View Loan products" page











Verify that it is possible to change Loan product status to Inactive











Check 'Define new Loan product' link on 'View Loan products' page











Check 'Edit Loan product information' and 'View change log' links on 'Loan products details' page











Check "Define new Loan product" link on Admin page











Verify that minimum # of installment must be greater than 0










? MIFOS-5787

Check if all fields, buttons and dropdowns work and are displayed properly on 'Add a new Loan product' page











Check if validation text appears when click on Preview without filling mandatory field











Create new Loan products for each Interest rate type applicable for Clients with weekly frequency of installments











Create new Loan products for each Interest rate type applicable for Clients with monthly frequency of installments











Create new Loan products for each Interest rate type applicable for Groups with weekly frequency of installments











Create new Loan products for each Interest rate type applicable for Groups with monthly frequency of installment











Verify that button 'Edit Loan product information' works properly and there is ability to edit Loan product information











Verify that link 'View Loan product details now' and 'Define new loan product' on
'You have successfully add a new Loan Product' page works properly











Verify that option 'Applicable for' works properly and product is applicable only for selected users











Verify 'Calculate Loan Amount as' on Define new Loan Product (MIFOS-5782)


Verify that it is impossible to import a new Loan account when LSIM is enabled (MIFOS-5797)


------  Ready for showcase with J version, on master K does not work
Verify 'Incorrect error message for Administrative fee on 'Enter Loan account information' page' (MIFOS-5078)


Verify 'No validation message when trying to apply full repayment with funds transfer from savings account and there are no enough balance' (MIFOS-5643)


Verify 'Unable to go to previous page from View Additional Information of Loan Account' (MIFOS-5619)


Client's Group Membership cannot be changed due to the error message 'Group Membership cannot be changed, as Active accounts exist.' (MIFOS-5589)


Verify 'Waiving partially repaid client account fees gives odd result' (MIFOS-5583)



Approve multiple loans and Create multiple Loan Account

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Kasia P

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Kasia P





Check 'Approve multiple loans' link on Clients & Accounts Tasks bar on Clients & Accounts page








Check if all dropdowns work properly on Approve multiple loans page








Verify that Account ID's in Acct ID column on Approve multiple loans page are linked to Account details page








Verify that followed accounts on Approve multiple loans - confirmation page are linked to Account details page








Verify that Status of the followed account has been successfully modified








Check 'Create multiple Loan Accounts' link on Clients & Accounts page








Check if all dropdowns work properly on Create Loan Account page








Verify that whole labels, dropdowns and checkboxes work properly on Create Loan Accounts page








Check if it is possible to create Loan Accounts







MIFOS-5650, Purpose of Facilitation should have asterisk

Verify that following Loan Accounts ID's on You have successfully created new Loan accounts page
are linked to Loan Account details page








Check 'Create multiple Loan account' link on You have successfully created Loan accounts page







Null Pointer Exception - MIFOS-5650

Verify that it is possible to disburse Loan after it has been approved using bulk approval feature MIFhttp://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi#7.0.30OS-5591 


