User Sanity Testing Checklist

This page contains Sanity Testing Checklist for User.




Kasia P




mifos 2.6.2mifos 2.6.3


Verify that 'Change Preferred Language', 'Your settings' and 'Log out' are displayed on each MIFOS page








No possibility for changing language on following views:

  • Admin -> Define new system user -> User Information
  • Admin -> View savings products -> Any product - > Edit Savings product information
  • Clients & Accounts -> Create multiple Loan Accounts -> Search
  • Your settings

Verify that 'Switch site type' link is displayed on 'Home' and 'Clients & Accounts' pages








Most pages under Clients & Accounts do not contain 'switch site type'

Verify that 'Switch site type' work properly on 'Home' and 'Clients & Accounts' pages (check Clients details,
accounts, schedules pages)








Only simple searching on Clients & Account in mobile

Check 'Change Preferred Language' link on each MIFOS page









Check 'stats',  'Mifos Localization' and 'Learn...' links on Change Preferred Language Popup









Check if Changing Current Language work properly









Check if options set under Change Proffered Language link has higher priority than those set in file in .mifos folder









Check 'Edit Information' link on Your settings page









Check if all labels, textfields and dropdowns work properly on 'Edit your settings' page









Check 'Change password' link on Your settings page









Verify that validation text is displayed when trying to change old password with new which is the same as the old









Check 'Log out' link on each MIFOS page









Add Receipt generate/print functionality to other places (MIFOS-5749)


Verify if search was improved (MIFOS-5834)


User interface for COA (MIFOS-5712)


User interface for COA (MIFOS-5921)


User interface for COA (MIFOS-5922)

