Direct To Database

Direct To Database

Due to missing/broken functionality in Mifos 1.x, current Mifos deployments often find it necessary to interact directly with the Mifos MySQL database. This document is an attempt to understand these interactions, mainly as discovery for how much engineering overhead would be incurred with database maintenance in a hosted/SaaS Mifos offering.


Please add new recurring or one-time database interactions as 3rd-level headings.


Sleeper Killer


Grameen Koota

Development cost:

1 person day (not recurring)

Used how often:


Naganand noticed that periodically killing MySQL threads that had been sleeping for long periods of time would increase performance(question) . The `sleeper killer <https://mifos.dev.java.net/source/browse/mifos/documents/deployment/GrameenKoota/tools/sleeper_killer.py>`_ script was created for this purpose.


Fix duplicate login names


Grameen Koota

Development cost:


Description in script comments