Retrospective - Product Mix FTL

Retrospective - Product Mix FTL

22 December 2010

Jeff, Van, Jakub

What Happened?

  • original requirement to GSOC students:
    • Make new page like that looks and works like the old page
  • Service facades set up by senior dev to hook up to the new page
  • weeks later, QA and PM gave feedback on implementation
  • No senior person with deeper experience with blueprint and CSS to provide guidance and structure to students
  • every FTL page was different
    • borders, backgrounds - didn't have clear acceptance criteria

What worked well?

  • Michal was able to get consistent UI on many pages
    • now Admin pages are using templates

What do we want to improve?

  • faster feedback on implementation
  • better acceptance criteria
    • navigation, resizing,
    • be clear that UI has to be exactly like old page
    • what browser(s) are supported for release (support IE)
    • what languages to support. e.g. french labels wider, so page layout different (should develop or test with icelandic locale)
  • Be explicit about basics like using templates when using GSOC students
  • there are duplicates of several CSS pages.

What do we want to experiment with or change?

  • Story not closed until tested, reviewed by PM
  • Look at UI with English and Icelandic languages
  • Have more senior person lay out this larger projects before students get involved.
  • Limit browser support?
  • clean up legacy main CSS
  • Don't use tables in ftl, use blueprint instead - may result in subtle UI changes